Kannywood artistes are not divided by Atiku, Buhari politics – Fati Muhammed

Fati Muhammed is one of the strongest female artistes the Kannywood movie industry has ever produced. The actress, who has been missing from the screen for a while, recently resurfaced with a huge crowd of the industry members under a political platform called Kannywood Support Forum for Atiku. In this interview she talks about her […]

Kannywood artistes are not divided by Atiku, Buhari politics – Fati Muhammed

Fati Muhammed: “Politics is a matter of interest”

Fati Muhammed is one of the strongest female artistes the Kannywood movie industry has ever produced. The actress, who has been missing from the screen for a while, recently resurfaced with a huge crowd of the industry members under a political platform called Kannywood Support Forum for Atiku. In this interview she talks about her absence from the industry and her political involvement, among other issues.

Weekend Magazine: You have been missing from Kannywood for years. Where have you been?

Fati Muhammed: I have been very much around and in constant contact with the industry. The only thing is that I have changed roles. I no longer appear in movies but I do produce movies. In a nutshell I am a movie producer now, as against what I was known for which is acting. Moreover, Kannywood will forever remain my domain. It is my home, my pride and it is everything to me. Whatever I have become today I believe one way or the other is it connected with Kannywood.

WM: Is it true that you have ventured into full time politics?

Fati: Yes, I am into politics, but that does not mean I have left the industry. Being in politics is all about interest and the confidence one has to effect change for the better. Currently I am the North-West campaign coordinator of Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) Presidential candidate, former vice president Atiku Abubakar.

This is a position given to me based on what people believe I can do and as I have said earlier it is all about interest. Similarly, we have formed a forum in the Hausa movie making industry which we called Kannywood Support Forum for Atiku. We have lined up campaign programmes that we wish to carryout throughout the 36 of the federation.

WM: Recently, we have seen a section of Kannywood pledging support for President Buhari and another for Atiku. Does this mean Kannywood is divided between the two parties?

Fati: No, we are not divided. We are just like family and party affiliation is just an issue of interest and as free Nigerians, everybody is entitled to his or her own political interest. It is good to note here that, we all have our individual different interests in regards to who we believe will uplift the industry to a greater height.

I want to state here that, Kannywood as a movie industry is not divided by Atiku or Buhari politics, we  are just exercising our constitutional right and we will all come back some day to work together after all has been said and done. Politics is something and Kannywood is another thing that binds us all as brothers and sisters.

WM: How would you rate this new political development in Kannywood?

Fati: This is indeed a positive development and a plus to the Hausa movie industry. It is a good gesture that in the present democratic dispensation Kannywood artistes are being considered as relevant people whose contributions are now being seen as very vital in achieving policies and other relevant governmental engagement. Unlike before, when Kannywood artistes were used as mere political campaign tools that will only be relevant during campaigning periods. It will be good to say that, presently our artistes have been recognised as important personalities who can effect positive change in the Nigerian polity. You can see, I that I have been made a coordinator of a presidential candidate and others have been appointed to other positions elsewhere.

This is indeed a tremendous achievement recorded in the history of Kannywood. It is indeed a sign that what we have been doing all these years have been recognised and appreciated.

WM: Tell us what this Kannywood support forum for Atiku is presently doing?

Fati: It is a forum of Kannywood actors, actresses, producers and directors who have confidence that Atiku Abubakar will do better for Nigeria. We have done a lot of radio and video jingles, hosting radio talk shows among other things.

We are also planning a tour to all the 36 states of the federation to campaign for our candidate. However, as I have made mentioned earlier, we are fighting no one, it is all about interest and what we believe is the best for the nation.

The forum has prominent Kannywood members like Shu’aibu Kumurci, Hafizu Bello, Kamal S. Alkali, Abba El-Mustapha, Ladi Mutu Ka  Raba, Lilisco and Maryam CTV, among others.

WM: How do you feel being on the other side of the movie industry?

Fati: I feel normal. We relate with those on the other side with respect and humility. We are one big family and political interests won’t change that. We still maintain our cordial relationship as colleagues and that is what matters.

We are not oblivion of the fact that, we will still come back together as colleagues after all these political tussles, therefore we are very careful in not allowing our political differences to temper with our profession’s relationship.

WM: What do you want to tell your fans?

Fati: I want to use this opportunity to tell my fans that, Fati Muhammad has never left them even for a day and that they should continue to support the industry in all ways that they can. I also want to tell my fans that, our political inclination is in the interest of a better Nigeria. We strongly believe that what we stands for will surely bring to us the needed change.

Therefore we sort for their support and encouragement; we are sure that whatever the situation may turn out to be we will still have a strong Kannywood movie industry.