Kano: 5 ladies arraigned over manhandling suspected lesbian

Five young ladies have been arraigned before a magistrate court 25 sitting at Gyadi-Gyadi for allegedly beating one Zainab Bashir whom they accused of engaging in lesbianism. The incident occurred on 15/9/2018 when one of the accused, Musa Ibrahim 32, was hinted by the other accused persons that the victim was suspected to be engaging […]

Kano: 5 ladies arraigned over manhandling suspected lesbian
Five young ladies have been arraigned before a magistrate court 25 sitting at Gyadi-Gyadi for allegedly beating one Zainab Bashir whom they accused of engaging in lesbianism.
The incident occurred on 15/9/2018 when one of the accused, Musa Ibrahim 32, was hinted by the other accused persons that the victim was suspected to be engaging in the unholy act which he went to find out from the victim but she denied ever indulging in the act.
However, Ibrahim went and mobilized the other accused persons; Zainab Ibrahim 27, Khadija Ibrahim 28, Maryam Musa and Fatima Ibrahim all of Maidile quarters, to the house of the victim of the same address and beaten her mercilessly inflicting injuries on her shoulder and otherparts of her body.
The police First Information Report (FIR) indicated that the accused were therefore charged with criminal conspiracy, criminal force and causing hurt, offences contrary to sections 96, 265 and 219 of the Penal code law, to which they all pleaded not guilty.
The presiding judge, Justice Abdu Maiwada Abubakar, granted bail to the accused in the sum if N100,000 each with two sureties, one of whom must be a ward head.
They were however remanded pending on when they will meet their bail conditions.
The matter has been adjourned to 3/10/2018 for further hearing.

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