Kano for sale

Looking at the current trends in the society whereby contemporary leaders are shying away from leadership responsibilities and engaging in many acts that are in direct conflict with oath of offices, one cannot help but remember former leaders with nostalgia. Those who ruled with the fear of God Almighty, and conscious of their covenant with […]

Kano for sale

Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano State

Looking at the current trends in the society whereby contemporary leaders are shying away from leadership responsibilities and engaging in many acts that are in direct conflict with oath of offices, one cannot help but remember former leaders with nostalgia.

Those who ruled with the fear of God Almighty, and conscious of their covenant with the people was never in question.

Indeed, despite very meager resources, in comparison to what obtains today, their momentous achievements recorded was superlative.

However, most of our present leaders, who were direct beneficiaries of those conscientious leaders are poles apart in every ramifications. One expect some attempts at continuity having enjoyed quality social amenities, free scholarships, free healthcare, and above all, highly fortified and secured life, by way of showing gratitude thereby bequeathing to the upcoming generations those fine attributes.

This lost generation was so unfortunate to have been saddled with leaders that are not God conscious. No focus, no purpose, no sacrifices, and no determinations and selflessness to change societies better. What preoccupies their minds is amassing wealth at the detriment of the people. Consequently, lack of basic amenities have become the norms, resulting in poor educations, poor healthcare delivery systems, poor road networks and poor quality of life.

It was under this unfortunate condition, that Kano finds itself where most government’s legacy properties, proudly bequeathed to us by saintly figures of yore like late legendary Abdu Bako and flamboyant and indefatigable Rimi of Sumaila and many military administrators are being sold.

As I write, Daula Hotel was sold.  In addition, open spaces around worship centers, cemeteries, markets, and government reserved areas and farmlands were not spared as if there will be no tomorrow!!

Let it be registered that at the moment, and given the current trends, Kano is for sale by both state government, and local government chairmen that are neck deep and busy disposing all moveable and immovable properties to the highest bidders and Kanawa are watching helplessly….What a pity!

If  one may ask, what  happened to the monthly subventions from the central government-the highest in the north? And how about the humongous amount of internally generated revenues being generated daily-the biggest in the north? What happened to VAT accruing to the state from  the centre, which is also the highest in the entire northern region? Are all these not enough to satisfy their appetite for money?

It became paramount for Kano stakeholders from all walks of life to rise up and save Kano by checkmating the excesses of this government, which places more priority on accumulations of wealth for personal aggrandizements, rather than selfless services to humanity in breach of its constitutional mandate.


Kabiru Tsakuwa, Kano. ([email protected])


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