Kano Hisbah confiscates beer truck, arrests 15 suspected prostitutes

Men of the Kano State Hisbah Board have confiscated a truck loaded with at least 8,600 bottles of beer in Kwanar Dangora village along the Kano-Kaduna Expressway. The Officer in Charge (OC) of Intoxicants of the board, Idris Ibrahim, said operatives of the command had been tracking the vehicle right from Kaduna until it arrived […]

Kano Hisbah confiscates beer truck, arrests 15 suspected prostitutes

Men of the Kano State Hisbah Board have confiscated a truck loaded with at least 8,600 bottles of beer in Kwanar Dangora village along the Kano-Kaduna Expressway.

The Officer in Charge (OC) of Intoxicants of the board, Idris Ibrahim, said operatives of the command had been tracking the vehicle right from Kaduna until it arrived into Kano territory.

He said, “We stopped the vehicle in Kwanar Dangora and the driver even attempted to escape but our operatives apprehended him.

“You know it is illegal to sell and drink beer in Kano State. So, we are going to prosecute the driver in court after taking his information.”

In a related development, the command also arrested 15 young women during operations in different parts of Kano City over alleged acts of prostitution.

The arrests took place in Hotoro, Tinshama, Bakin River, Sabon Gari, Miyangu Road, Hadejia Road and Old Zoo Road Motor Park.

Some of the arrested female folks, mostly aged 19, admitted to have been engaged in illegal doings and that they were arrested at least twice by operatives of the command.

Speaking on the arrests, the Deputy Commander-General of Hisbah (DCG), Dr Mujahid Aminuddeen, said some of the suspected prostitutes had been arrested several times and charged to court, but that they still continued to ply the illegal trade.

He noted that, “It is unfortunate that some of these women leave their states and countries and come to Kano where they engage in prostitution and other objectionable behaviours. They roam the streets of Kano and do all sorts of things. We are calling on members of the public to continue to report such activities so that we can sanitise the state from evil.

“However, some of these girls also need prayers because when you talk with them, you understand that they find themselves in this situation because of hardship.”