Kano Naval Base: Where critics got it wrong

The veteran journalist’s prose had a compelling flavour. His prefaces to  every cover were captivatingly flawless….

Kano Naval Base: Where critics got it wrong
Kano Naval Base: Where critics got it wrong

Ali   M. Ali

I watched with growing consternation the opposition to the establishment of a Naval ‘base’’ in Kano. The decision followed the approval by the Navy Council to establish three such bases in Lekki, Oguta and Kano.

The one in Kano appears to be the one causing bellyache. It has raised a lot of dust. Some of the hullabaloo is, decidedly, from expected quarters. Pa Edwin Clark, foremost Ijaw leader for instance, kicked.   A consortium of critics, all of them ill-informed; (yes-ill-informed) especially in television morning shows have hitched onto the “misnomer” bandwagon that a Naval base in Kano is a wasteful venture and also an “ego trip”.

But the one that piqued my interest the most is from an unexpected quarters – Dare Babarinsa, a veteran and cerebral journalist. A veteran, who stood as sentry, along with other patriots, against military dictatorship; Babarinsa and co travellers, all of them journalism icons, started Tell Magazine in 1991.The Magazine has earned global accolades.

The veteran journalist’s prose had a compelling flavour. His prefaces to  every cover were captivatingly flawless. Throughout the 90s, his pieces along with the inimitable Nosa Igiebor, Onome Osifo-Whiskey  and others kept the military regimes of that era  on their toes. Each time he wrote, he   “finished” the juntas of that time with well-informed commentaries. His   facts  and figures were often unassailable.

The years have not tempered with his pungent commentaries against the “absurdities” in Nigeria’s theatre of the absurd. His recent jabs at the proposed Naval   in Kano, however, is out of character with his usually well researched essays. This time around, he got it mixed up and I dare say, wrong.

Writing in the Guardian of September 9th, 2021, his aghast was apparent. The telling title “Our Navy’s NNS Absurdity” leaves no one in doubt as to his position on the matter.

He is not flippant. He is not frivolous. This bears stressing. His treatise asked  questions  about the “absurdity’  of locating  a naval base in Kano. He is at sea why a naval base should be established in ”Sahel –savannah region…..The reason for this naval base is not clear”  he said. I will get to that shortly.

His argument, in the main, is that “There is no rational argument that can sustain the need for a naval base in Kano. While fishermen have traversed the two big rivers of Kano State; Hadejia and Jama’are, for centuries, it is inconceivable that someone would think of putting a fishing trawler or a speedboat on any of these rivers. To accommodate a true passenger boat, each of the rivers would require expensive dredging. Even then, that may not justify the need for a naval presence. It would only mean that the merchant marine might have an interest.

He concluded thus “The decision to establish a naval base in Kano is truly absurd. It is an indication that decisions  at the highest level of the military are still taken with reckless disregard to logic. Gambo’s gift to Kano is an absurd ego trip taken at our expense. Pity.”

He is not alone. A  few elements have joined the campaign especially in the media. the latest entrant into the campaign orchestra against the base is Pa Edwin Clark. He penned an open epistle  to the President and rhetorically asked “A Naval Base In Kano In The Heart Of The Sahel?’’

He insinuated nepotism and parochialism.   There were others. All of them seem to think that locating   a naval base “in the heart of Sahel” is incongruous.

Except for my senior colleague, Babarinsa, who I venerate, all of the critics were just passionate and not reasonable.

I don’t blame the passionate.  Humanly speaking, the less knowledge you have on a subject matter, the more passionate you tend to be. The image that comes to mind at the mention of a Naval base is that of a securely held seaport used as a centre of operation by the Navy.

But then,  a base could be  for operations, training, logistics or administration. This is precisely the case of the base in Kano. It is a Logistics College. But nay, critics   wouldn’t   hear of this.

It is not altogether out of place to describe all naval institutions as bases. In naval lingo, where there is a heavy personnel presence with hostel accommodation, schools and hospitals, it is technically, a base.

This is in the public domain that there are 3 operational Commands of the Navy: Western with Headquarters in Lagos, Eastern with Headquarters in Calabar and Central Naval with Headquarters in Yenagoa.

Still, there are two more Commands namely Naval Training with headquarters in Lagos and Logistics with headquarters in Oghara.   Naval Training Command has professional schools under it located in various parts of the country.

It is pertinent to state that these schools are also referred to as, naval bases and in naval parlance as stone frigates since they are all naval establishments and units. Military formations are called bases or barracks all over the world.

The Naval ‘Base’ in Kano is meant for the newly created Nigerian Navy Logistics College while the Nigerian Navy Finance College would be retained in Owerrinta. The Base is also meant to house Nigerian Navy primary and secondary schools.

Ali writes from 1st Avenue, Gwarinpa, Abuja.