Kano registered over 150, 000 properties in 3 years

Kano Geographic Information System (KANGIS) has successfully registered over 150, 000 properties from 2014 to date in the state. This was disclosed by Surveyor Umar Kura of the KANGIS during this year’s celebration of World Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day organised by eHealth Africa recently. He said the development recorded within just 3 years was […]

Kano registered over 150, 000 properties in 3 years

Kano Geographic Information System (KANGIS) has successfully registered over 150, 000 properties from 2014 to date in the state.

This was disclosed by Surveyor Umar Kura of the KANGIS during this year’s celebration of World Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day organised by eHealth Africa recently.

He said the development recorded within just 3 years was as a result of the Systematic Land Title Registration (SLTR) adopted by the agency, adding that through using the manual method, the state was able to register about 150, 000 properties only in 50 years, making the total of over 300, 000 registered properties in the state.

Kura added that KANGIS was not only registering properties but also capturing demographic social data of the property owners that would assist authorities in its resource management.

Similarly, GIS technical lead, Ahmed Abdulmajid stated that GIS international day was celebrated to appreciate the progress made and discuss on way forward especially on strengthening the health system.

He said an effective GIS, in regards to health sector, would create easy phenomena of vaccine delivery for successful immunization.