Kashim Shettima as I know him

My friendship with Kashim Shettima dates back to his time as manager of Zenith Bank, in Maiduguri. It’s an interesting story, with deep family issues involved. No one could have predicted then, that he was going to become a politician, not to talk of emerging as a two-term governor of Borno; a senator, and today, […]

Kashim Shettima as I know him

Senator Kashim Shettima (APC, Borno Central)

My friendship with Kashim Shettima dates back to his time as manager of Zenith Bank, in Maiduguri. It’s an interesting story, with deep family issues involved. No one could have predicted then, that he was going to become a politician, not to talk of emerging as a two-term governor of Borno; a senator, and today, the running mate to the APC presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu. 

There are so many of these deliberately mischievous materials being issued now, in response to Shettima’s emergence as Tinubu’s running mate. There’s a deliberate effort to paint a picture of “Islamization”; as well as a desperate effort to tar Kashim with a “Boko Haram “apologist” brush. It’s absolutely ludicrous! I saw a picture of Kashim, breaking bread, with Fulbe Maigadis of the Muhammadu Buhari mega-school that his administration constructed in Maiduguri. It was promptly captioned, as “Shettima eating with members of Boko Haram”! 

 In the first place, he was Governor of Borno in that tragic phase, and I was lucky to be a direct onlooker, from the vintage point of trust and friendship, to make certain points. 

  1. He NEVER had anything to do with Boko Haram, either doctrinal or organisational.  
  2. He provided incredible, and I mean unprecedented support, for the Nigerian security forces to fight the insurgency. He never failed to offer material support to members of the security forces. 
  3. He NEVER discriminated against the Christian community of Borno State, before, during and after the worst excesses of the Boko Haram insurgency. The testimonies of Borno Christians vitiate any effort to tar his name, in that respect 
  4. Unlike some of his colleagues, who abandoned their states, he stayed; he visited communities under attack, sometimes personally open to danger too. But his argument was always that he must respond to the people; and they must see him as always being there to respond to them; to provide succour and leadership. 
  5. He organised a systematic reconstruction and rehabilitation programme for communities that the insurgency deliberately destroyed. Whole communities were rebuilt; infrastructure was reconstructed, in a manner that is unprecedented in most communities faced with insurgency, especially in Africa.

My PhD in Political Science specialises in Defence and Strategic Studies, so I can offer some insight on that. The Commissioner in charge was Professor Babagana Umara Zulum. And it was the dedicated and honest job he did that made Shettima eventually settle for him as his successor.  

  1. It is also noteworthy that despite being governor in those tragic years, Kashim Shettima did not take his eyes off the development agenda in Borno: agriculture (his passion); education (mega schools; state university; rehabilitation of historic Borno schools); vocational projects; empowerment of the weak and poor; housing projects; rehabilitation of roads; construction of industrial projects; mosques and churches, etc.  
  2. Kashim was a very effective leader as chairman of the Northern Governors Forum. I worked in a committee that prepared a document to secure access to funding for projects, from the Islamic Development Bank, amongst others. 
  3. He reads! And that’s not what you can say for most members of the Nigerian political elite. I think that’s a factor that you and I can relate with.  

What else may I add, my brother? 

Kashim is a man of genuine empathy for people. He has a very strong sense of justice and compassion; he’s not vindictive; and I’ve watched him at close quarters, in Maiduguri and other locations, to attest to his emotional maturity; his intellect and genuine patriotism. This in summary, is the man that has been nominated as vice presidential candidate of the APC, as I know him.  


Is’haq Modibbo Kawu, is the former Director General, National Broadcasting Commission