Katsina @30, a dream fulfilled

It was on September 23, 1987 that Katsina State was created by the then military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, out of the old Kaduna State. Since then, the state has passed through various stages that prompt its leaders to mark the day today with pomp and pageantry. Within the 30 years, Katsina contributed immensely to […]

Katsina @30, a dream fulfilled
Katsina @30, a dream fulfilled

It was on September 23, 1987 that Katsina State was created by the then military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, out of the old Kaduna State.

Since then, the state has passed through various stages that prompt its leaders to mark the day today with pomp and pageantry.

Within the 30 years, Katsina contributed immensely to the Nigerian project, having produced three presidents, two under democratic dispensation and one under military system.

Aside two Inspectors General of Police, namely; late MD Yusuf and Ibrahim Commassie, the state has also produced two Directors-General of the Department of State Services (DSS)-Ambassador Muhammad Lawal and the incumbent, Lawal Daura. Besides, many individuals  from the state have excelled in various fields within the period.

Since its creation, Katsina has been governed by Col. Abdullahi Sarki Mukhtar (Sept. 1987-July 1988), Col. Lawrence Onoja (July 1988-Dec 1989), Col John Madaki (Dec 1989- Jan 1992).

The state’s first democratically elected governor, Alhaji Saidu Barda was in office from January 1992 to November 1993. Others are; Navy Capt. Emmanuel Acholonu (Dec 1993- Aug 1996), Col. Samila Chamah (Aug 1996- Aug 1998) and Col. Joseph Akaagerger (Aug 1998- May 1999).

With the return of democracy in 1999, Late Umaru Yar’adua emerged governor from May 1999 to May 2007, Ibrahim Shema May 2007-May 2015 and the present governor, Aminu Masari (May 2015 to date).

All the past governors individually and collectively laid the solid foundation for the take-off of the state.

Analysts believe that their efforts are being solidified by Governor Aminu Masari in line with the Restoration Agenda which places emphasis on key sectors like education, health, water supply, agriculture, security, works and housing as well as  and youth and women empowerment.

Ahead of today’s celebration, the chairman of the Central Organising Committee and Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Dr. Mustapha Inuwa, said the present administration needs to be applauded for its tremendous efforts despite lean resources, saying no sector of development has been neglected.

How it started

The movement for the creation of Katsina State dates back to 1977 when a group of youths, most of them late now late, began to hold nocturnal meetings, strategizing how to go about it.

Then known as Katsina Province under the old system and under the old Kaduna State, it was termed the “punishment zone.” Any government official who fell out with the authorities got posted to Katsina which lacked facilities for comfortable living. Zaria Province at the time was getting lion’s share and dominating affairs in the old Kaduna State.

The dearth of infrastructure and neglect of the then administration forced these young men popularly called “Nagge Dadi Goma”, to begin to think of how possible to see to self-autonomy as a way of addressing their plights.

Some members of the group included late Musa Yar’adua, Sani Zangon Daura, Samaila Isa Funtua, Halliru Kafur ( Hali Brothers), Sen Abba Ali, Ahmadu Na Funtua, Wada Nas, Amadu Karkarku.

Others were; Sule Kofar Sauri, Musa Musawa, Abu Modibbo, Hassan Mashi, Murjanatu Katsina, Lawal Marafa, Zakari Abubakar and Fathu Abdullahi.

These people have been slated for honours at today’s special dinner, some post- humously for their roles in the creation of the state.

They worked closely and secretly with many others, especially Hassan Usman Katsina, Shehu Musa Yar’adua, Dr. Mamman Shata, Abubakar Dan Musa and many others who worked with the government but were silently backing the group.

Though there was some resistance from different angles, they converged at night in Nasara House, a popular joint in Katsina, several times to strategise for their pursuit of the new state.

Sen. Abba Ali, the first elected chairman of Katsina Local Government Area and an NPN senator between 1979 and 1983, was the first to move a motion for the creation of the state when he was chairman of the Senate committee on states creation.

He recalled that even before moving the motion, the struggle became manifest when members of the group came out openly by displaying banners during the visit of then Head of State, General  Olusegun Obasanjo to the province in 1977.

He said all the local government areas in the province were being discriminated sidelined. 

“Our end was seen as a dead zone, we felt it wasn’t right,” he said.

Today, he said, “History for the struggle has paid off, and the state has fared well from what it used to be in all areas of development.”

He said Katsina is better off than most states created 50 years ago and with Masari at the helm of affairs, the state was poised for development because of his zeal and determination on improving education, security and health, among others.

Another member, Sa’in Katsina Ahmadu Na Funtua, who was the chairman of the Provincial Youth Council, recalled how they met at night, and how during the Obasanjo visit, they revealed their wish.

He said many people played roles from behind, including Shehu Yar’adua, Hassan Usman Katsina and the late Hausa musician, Mamman Shata.

“The first two were in government then, so we secretly used to reach out to them and they guided us well. We had sleepless nights and our series of meetings at Nasara House paid off. Victory was ours,” he said.

“For Shata, when the committee became strong and well constituted, he was our publicity secretary. The songs, such as Allah Rayan Jihar Katsina, made by late Shata agitated the youths to brace up for the move. People still listen to them and recall the struggle,” he said.

“Bala Saulawa, who was the chairman of Katsina/Daura residents in Kaduna, was among those instrumental in the sharing and ensuring that stickers with the ‘Nagge Dadi Goma’ inscription were placed on bicycles and motorcycles, calling for the state’s creation. The stickers were received with mixed reactions but it never deterred us from our objective.

“Katsina is developing, we can now boast of five degree awarding institutions, roads, hospitals and many more,” he added.

Another elder statesman, Justice Sadiq Mahuta, said Katsina is growing rapidly, especially in the area of dispensation of justice, adding that when it was created, the province had only one High Court but now has about seven.

He said many magistrate and Sharia Courts have sprung up and the state is blessed with prominent personalities in the judiciary.

A former Chief Justice of the Federation, Justice Muhammadu Bello, and other senior judicial officers of Katsina origin are to be honoured at today’s event. Two former presidents of the Federal Court of Appeal, Justice Mamman Nasir, Justice Umaru Abdullahi and a pioneer Grand Khadi of the state, Kadi Usman Muhammad Daura will also be honoured.

What makes today’s event unique is the post-humous honours to two traditional rulers during whose reign the state was created. They are Muhammadu Kabir Usman and Muhammadu Bashar, who are being honoured for their roles in the actualisation of the dream.

Two other people, Malam Garba Surajo, a driver at the state-owned Katsina Motel and Malam Abdurrahman Amadu Batagarawa, a messenger, are also to be honoured as dedicated civil servants.

Katsina’s creation a long decade of struggle – Gov. Masari

The movement for the creation of Katsina State was a culmination of over a decade-long struggle and agitation that was not fuelled by ambition or desire for power but that of conviction for progress and development, Governor Aminu Masari said.

“Having a state places us in a position to define our priorities and pursue those priorities at our own pace,” he said.

According to him, even before colonisation and independence, the people and communities that occupied the present territory of Katsina had a rich history and tradition of scholarship, commerce and politics, adding that this gave the land and its people a cosmopolitan outlook.