Kebbi court remands 14 nude dancers

A Magistrate Court sitting in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State has remanded nine boys and five girls for dancing naked under a bridge in the state. Magistrate Halima Abubakar who presided over the case brought by the Vigilante Group has ordered that they be remanded in prison. The 14 youth were charged for criminal conspiracy, mischievous […]

Kebbi court remands 14 nude dancers

Kebbi court remands 14 nude dancers

A Magistrate Court sitting in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State has remanded nine boys and five girls for dancing naked under a bridge in the state.

Magistrate Halima Abubakar who presided over the case brought by the Vigilante Group has ordered that they be remanded in prison.

The 14 youth were charged for criminal conspiracy, mischievous ,criminal force, causing assault, public nuisance, causing hurt and grievances contrary to sections 97, 183, 327, 66 and 246 of the Penal Code

According to the Prosecutor, Yakub Mohammed Goge the 14 boys and girls were caught by men of the Vigilante Group of Nigeria (VGN), Kebbi State chapter under the bridge in a forest river dancing naked with their musical gadgets while under the influence of some substances suspected to be hard drugs.