Kerosene explosion injures 2 teenagers

Two teenage girls yesterday sustained serious injuries following a kerosene explosion in Igbuala village, Ifitedunu, Anambra State. Chinaza Nwabisi, 17 and Mmesoma Nweke, 12 were refilling a kerosene lantern when the incident happened, according to their mother who explained that she was preparing for Sunday service around 5am when she heard a loud shout from […]

Kerosene explosion injures 2 teenagers

Two teenage girls yesterday sustained serious injuries following a kerosene explosion in Igbuala village, Ifitedunu, Anambra State.

Chinaza Nwabisi, 17 and Mmesoma Nweke, 12 were refilling a kerosene lantern when the incident happened, according to their mother who explained that she was preparing for Sunday service around 5am when she heard a loud shout from the children who were refilling the family lantern to prepare for the mass.

The medical director in charge of the hospital where the victims were admitted, Dr. William Onwuocha, attributed the cause of the incident to petrol mixed with kerosene.

Daily Trust gathered that cases of explosion due to adulterated kerosene had been rampant in the area and three children from two families were recently burnt to death in two incidents.