Killing of journalists is a sign of societal decay…

He is disturbed by the incessant killing of journalists which he attributes to societal decay. ‘It is very sad that security in the country is so bad that the safety of people is not guaranteed.  Killing of journalists is a reflection of the level to which the society has descended. If you look at what […]

Killing of journalists is a sign of societal decay…
Killing of journalists is a sign of societal decay…

He is disturbed by the incessant killing of journalists which he attributes to societal decay. ‘It is very sad that security in the country is so bad that the safety of people is not guaranteed.  Killing of journalists is a reflection of the level to which the society has descended. If you look at what is happening in our country today you will understand why journalists are being killed. The security agencies are not effective in detecting crime and they are also facing some operational deficiencies not only in crime detection but in several areas. It is therefore common for those who commit crimes to get away with it.

Add to this is the failure of leadership and you get the perfect recipe for anarchy. An example is the recent case of legislators exchanging blows on the floor of the House over corruption charges levelled against some of their members. When the National Assembly, which is the place where our laws are made becomes a battle ground and debate has been replaced by wrestling, then we know that decay has set in and all is far from being well.

If you look at all these, you will understand why they want to scare journalists from reporting the truth and silence them so that falsehood can prevail. That will be a disaster for the people who have a right to know’. On action to be taken, Barrister Aliyu Umar said Nigerian workers, under their trade union and media stakeholders, should organise a protest to draw attention to the issue and demand that justice must be done.

Barrister Aliyu Umar, 08033566270