Kindly discuss Intestinal Infection due to Escherichia coli

Compliments of the season and happy New Year in advance. Please discuss intestinal infection due to Escherichia coli in your column this week. A friend of mine was diagnosed of the condition. Melissa X.   Thanks Melissa for your question. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a type of bacteria that normally lives in the intestines. […]

Kindly discuss Intestinal Infection due to Escherichia coli

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Compliments of the season and happy New Year in advance. Please discuss intestinal infection due to Escherichia coli in your column this week. A friend of mine was diagnosed of the condition.

Melissa X.


Thanks Melissa for your question. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a type of bacteria that normally lives in the intestines. It’s also found in the gut of some animals. Most types of E. coli are harmless and even help keep digestive tract healthy.

Symptoms can include?

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Sudden, severe watery diarrhoea that may change to bloody stools
  • Gas and loss of appetite or nausea and vomiting (uncommon)
  • Fatigue and fever

Symptoms can last anywhere from a few days to more than a week.

Symptoms of a severe E. coli infection may include?

  • Bloody urine and decreased urine output .
  • Pale skin and bruising.
  • Dehydration

The bacteria that cause infection can enter into the body in a number of ways, as follows:

  • Improper food handling such as unsafe handling and preparation can cause contamination.
  • Failing to wash hands completely before preparing or eating food.
  • Using utensils, cutting boards, or serving dishes that aren’t clean, causing cross-contamination.
  • Consuming dairy products or food containing mayonnaise that have been left out too long.
  • Consuming foods that haven’t been stored at the right temperature
  • Consuming foods that aren’t cooked to the right temperature or duration of time, especially meats and poultry.
  • Drinking unpasteurized milk and consuming raw produce that hasn’t been properly washed
  • Food processing. During the slaughtering process, poultry and meat products can acquire bacteria from the animals ‘intestines.
  • Contaminated water.
  • Person to person. E. coli can spread when an infected person doesn’t wash their hands after having a bowel movement. The bacteria are then spread when that person touches someone or something else, like food.

What are the risk factors of E. coli infection?

  • Age: Older adults and young children are more likely to experience serious complications from E. coli.
  • A weakened immune system: People with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to E. coli infections.
  • Low stomach acid levels: Medications used to decrease stomach acid levels can increase your risk of E. coli infection.
  • Certain foods: Drinking unpasteurized milk or juices and eating undercooked meat can increase your risk of E. coli.

When to see a doctor?

  • Intestinal infection can lead to dehydration and serious complications, such as kidney failure and sometimes death, if it’s not treated. You should see your doctor if:
  • You have diarrhea that isn’t getting better after four days, or two days for an infant or child.
  • You have a fever with diarrhoea.
  • Abdominal pain doesn’t get better after a bowel movement.
  • There is pus or blood in your stool.

How E. coli infection is treated?

  • In most cases, home care is all that’s required to treat an E. coli infection. Drink plenty of water, get lots of rest, and keep an eye out for more severe symptoms that require a call to your doctor.
  • If you have bloody diarrhea or fever, check with your doctor before taking drugs

How to prevent E. coli infection?

  • Regularly wash hands before handling, serving, or eating food, and especially after touching animals or using the bathroom.
  • Washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly
  • Avoiding cross-contamination by using clean utensils, pans, and serving platters
  • Keeping raw meats away from other foods and away from other clean items
  • Always defrosting meat in the refrigerator or microwave
  • Refrigerating leftovers immediately
  • Drinking only pasteurized milk products (avoiding raw milk).