KOICA trains 125 on e-govt.

The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has trained 125 public service officers on e-government. The trainees were among the 22,652 Nigerian government officials targeted for the training which is to be conducted 357 times for a 5 year period – 2013 to 2018.  “So far KOICA has trained 243 government officials from over 83 MDAs,” […]

KOICA trains 125 on e-govt.

The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has trained 125 public service officers on e-government.
The trainees were among the 22,652 Nigerian government officials targeted for the training which is to be conducted 357 times for a 5 year period – 2013 to 2018. 
“So far KOICA has trained 243 government officials from over 83 MDAs,” said Mrs Park Sook Hyun, the Country Director of KOICA, at the opening of the third in-country training.
The project aims to improve the efficiency and transparency of the public administration service which is a prioritized goal stated in the NV 20:2020, she said.
The Minister of Communications, Abdur-Raheem Adebayo Shittu described the timing of the training as apt, especially now “that the federal government is consciously making efforts to diversify from oil economy and ensuring transparency and accountability in public service delivery and business transactions in general.”

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