Kudos to Governor Ganduje

Although I abhor the character of commending leaders excessively for doing the job they were voted for to do, the giant move made by Governor Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje in employment of seven hundred and sixty five graduates into the Kano Internal Revenue Services (KIRS) should be commended. To take this number of graduates off […]

Kudos to Governor Ganduje

Although I abhor the character of commending leaders excessively for doing the job they were voted for to do, the giant move made by Governor Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje in employment of seven hundred and sixty five graduates into the Kano Internal Revenue Services (KIRS) should be commended. To take this number of graduates off streets in a single move is highly commendable job worthy of emulation. The main reason that qualifies Abdullahi Ganduje to be showered with kudos for this type of recruitment is not only the recruitment itself, but rather, the integrity and adherence to the rule of law that characterised the recruitment exercise.

As a result, large numbers of unemployed graduates who are roaming daily on streets and with no link with government officials were shortlisted into that recruitment. What should trigger everybody to give heartily cheers to Abdullahi Ganduje is fairness and transparent nature of this recruitment exercise, because the usual way of recruitment in Nigeria is clandestine recruitment. In some rare cases, under the guise of replacement. The normal procedure to be employed in most of goverment agencies is doing all what you can to get a link with top brass politicians. So many graduates are there spending days and nights in Abuja, struggling to be given cover letters from Members of the National Assembly. However, Governor Ganduje forced the system we all agreed by circumstances as normal procedure of recruitment to go with the flow of the laws of the land. In some instances kickback must be given before you gain employment in Nigeria. But fortunately and strangely enough, the process brought by Governor Ganduje in this recruitment of (KIRS) is very contrary to all illicit acts perpetrated in many government agencies when it comes to recruitment.

Advertisements for the jobs were made in National dailies as stipulated by the laws of federal character commission. Talk less of fair and equal representations from all respective local governments of Kano state. Even applications were recieved via agency’s online recruitment portal. And a free platform has been given for every qualified candidate to apply. Hence contradicting the norms of cronyism that has been heavily promoted in

Nigeria. And the chief promoters of this unfair discrimination are members of the National Assembly. Later, successful candidates emerged after series of examinations and hitch free interviews. And those that were shortlisted are the same candidates who participated in the recruitment exercise.






Abbas Datti, Kano