Lagos JCI launches community-based campaign against corruption

The Lagos City Chapter of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) has kick-started what it termed community mobilization effort against the menace of corruption. At a summit titled: “fighting corruption; whistle blowing – real or a charade?” organized by JCI in Lagos, the president, Laolu Owolabi said it has become imperative to ignite the passions of […]

Lagos JCI launches community-based campaign against corruption

The Lagos City Chapter of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) has kick-started what it termed community mobilization effort against the menace of corruption.

At a summit titled: “fighting corruption; whistle blowing – real or a charade?” organized by JCI in Lagos, the president, Laolu Owolabi said it has become imperative to ignite the passions of individuals who drive communities and by extension the society at large. 

According to the Lagos City JCI leader, the war against corruption will only become meaningful when it is driven to the grassroot level. 

“We understand that the war against corruption is not just for Mr President or those at the top alone. Rather it is something that cuts across every strata of the society. There is an urgent need to drive the campaign to community level where ordinary Nigerians need to be involved. And we understand that the change we are preaching start with changing our orientation as people and charting a new way forward. We believe that having engaged individual at this summit, we can then move further, while relying on these individuals who are to return to their respective communities to mobilize and inspire ordinary citizens to join in the campaign against graft,” Owolabi said.