Lalong seeks more Christians’ active participation in politics

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has called on Christians to actively participate in politics and to endeavour to contribute to national development, democratic values and sound governance in Nigeria.  Speaking yesterday at the 14th annual conference of the Association of Papal Knights and Medalists in Nigeria which was held in Jos the Plateau State […]

Lalong seeks more Christians’ active participation in politics

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has called on Christians to actively participate in politics and to endeavour to contribute to national development, democratic values and sound governance in Nigeria. 

Speaking yesterday at the 14th annual conference of the Association of Papal Knights and Medalists in Nigeria which was held in Jos the Plateau State capital, he said the conference was very timely as it addressed issues relating to leadership, recruitment and the delivery of good governance in Nigerian by the political class and bureaucrats. 

“Many have suggested and rightly so, that Nigeria’s many challenges stem from poor leadership. However, a lot of people forget or do not realise that leadership does not begin and end with elections. It starts much earlier and continues afterwards. 

“Sadly, many of our brothers and sisters shy away from getting involved and would rather prefer to criticize, castigate and sometimes pull down those in office,” he said.

The governor appreciated the Catholic church for its sound and robust platform in encouraging and pushing its members to participate in politics, adding however that so much still needs to be done within Christendom in Nigeria to ensure that more Christians occupy decision-making offices.