Last 10 days of Ramadan: JNI urges Muslims to intensify prayers

The Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) under the leadership of His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto and President-General, JNI, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar has urged Muslim faithful to intensify prayers in the last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan with a view to bringing the country out of misfortunes and seek relief to the […]

Last 10 days of Ramadan: JNI urges Muslims to intensify prayers
Last 10 days of Ramadan: JNI urges Muslims to intensify prayers

The Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) under the leadership of His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto and President-General, JNI, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar has urged Muslim faithful to intensify prayers in the last 10 days of the holy month of Ramadan with a view to bringing the country out of misfortunes and seek relief to the economic challenges bedevilling the nation.

JNI in a statement issued on Monday in Kaduna and signed by its Secretary General, Dr. Khalid Abubakar Aliyu further urged Muslims to collectively strive to earn Allah’s forgiveness and mercy in the holy month.

He however implored Muslims to intensify their generosity in giving alms to the poor, needy, orphans and handicapped in the society especially the families finding it unbearable to feed as a result of the extreme economic challenge the country is facing.

The statement reads: "JNI once again felicitates with the Nigerian Muslim Ummah, for the successful commencement of Ramadan Fast on 27th May, 2017, this is indeed gratifying especially that Allah (SWT) made the commencement devoid of any disagreement, Alhamdulillah for His bounty.

 "Indeed we have witnessed restraint, patience, servitude and dedication to Allah, the Most High in Ramadan, hence we must collectively strive more to earn Allah’s forgiveness and mercy in this blessed month. May He strengthen our faith in Him and relieve our nation of the very difficult times; we are passing through and the Muslim world in general. Amin!

"Considering that the search for the most blessed night (Laylatul Qadr); the night of decree and honour had began, which is sought in the odd nights i.e. 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th of Ramadan, Nigerian Muslims are called upon to maximally put to use these very last days by reciting more of the Glorious Qur’an.  More importantly, we should watch out for the Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) which often comes up in one of the five exceptional nights, according to authentic Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

"We must use the avenue in increased rendition of the Qur’an not only in understanding it better, but in living in accordance to its teachings. For in the Glorious Qur’an we find total salvation and other good virtues needed for the existence of Man. Therefore, the spirit of observing daily obligatory Salawat (prayers), the Tarawihor Qiyamu-Ramadan (night prayers) should be sustained in these very days and beyond."