Law School Class 89 un­veils e-men­tor­ing plat­form

Lawyers who grad­u­ated from the Nige­rian Law School in 1989 will on Fri­day un­veil an on­line plat­form for men­tor­ing of Law School stu­dents by le­gal prac­ti­tion­ers with ex­per­tise in dif­fer­ent ar­eas of the pro­fes­sion. According to Barrister Emeka Albert, chairman Class 1989, the event will feature an Anniversary Lecture, titled “Legal Education in the 21st […]

Law School Class 89 un­veils e-men­tor­ing plat­form


Lawyers who grad­u­ated from the Nige­rian Law School in 1989 will on Fri­day un­veil an on­line plat­form for men­tor­ing of Law School stu­dents by le­gal prac­ti­tion­ers with ex­per­tise in dif­fer­ent ar­eas of the pro­fes­sion.

According to Barrister Emeka Albert, chairman Class 1989, the event will feature an Anniversary Lecture, titled “Legal Education in the 21st Century”, to be held at the Nigerian Law School, Bwari, Abuja on 29 November 2019.

The Anniversary Lecturer is a member of the Class, Professor Ezenwa Ngwakwe, a Professor of Law at Abia State University.

The event under the Chairmanship of the Chairman, Council of Legal Education, Chief Emeka Ngige, SAN will witness the launching of an E-Learning/E-Mentoring/E- Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Portal set up by the Class of 1989 to support quality training and retraining of Nigerian Law School students and lawyers.

Other Activities scheduled to commemorate the 30th Anniversary ceremonies include charity walk, prison visit, black tie dinner and award ceremony on the 30th of November at the NAF Event Centre, Kado, Abuja.

Mr. Emeka Albert, said that the e – platform to be launched is a first in Africa and will transform legal education and legal practice Nigeria within a short period. Many of the members expected to attend and receive the merit award include Justices of the Court of Appeal, High Court Judges, Learned SANs, and Professors of Law.

The Law School has grad­u­ated over 100,000 lawyers since in­cep­tion in 1963.