Law School was tough and fun – Young female lawyers

Law School is usually portrayed as a tasking and expensive vocational programme for lawyers. But at the just concluded 2018 Call to Bar ceremony of the Nigerian Law School in Abuja, the Director General of the school, Prof. Hayatu Chiroma, announced that out of the 161 lawyers who graduated with first class, 131 are female. […]

Law School was tough and fun – Young female lawyers

Young female lawyers

Law School is usually portrayed as a tasking and expensive vocational programme for lawyers. But at the just concluded 2018 Call to Bar ceremony of the Nigerian Law School in Abuja, the Director General of the school, Prof. Hayatu Chiroma, announced that out of the 161 lawyers who graduated with first class, 131 are female.

Some of the young female new wigs shared their experiences on how they coped with the programme: combining learning and practice in the legal academic system with extra-curricular activities. Excerpts:


Sadiya Wada Abubakar, 25

It was an amazing experience because before you go to the Law School, it is believed to be a different place. People find it difficult to cope, but that is not the case. If you take it to be difficult, it will be, but if you take it to be easy, it will be easy, and it will come and pass.

If I am to advice others, I wouldn’t advise them that it is a hard place to be.


Favour Ime, 23

It was very challenging, especially because I didn’t do my law education in Nigeria. It made it difficult for me to get acquainted with Nigerian laws. But with time, I was able to grasp what I was being taught.

I enjoyed myself because I met a lot of people. It was an intensive experience but by God’s Grace, I was involved in extracurricular activities. I was the vice president of the Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON).


 Joana Kolo-Manma, 21

It was a very good experience, although quite challenging. You can imagine having to do a curriculum that ought to be for three years in just 10 months. That is so much work. And I also got to learn so much work through the internship programme where we went to law firms. My experience generally was a very good one.

I really wasn’t so social because I really wanted to make a first class; I eventually got a 2.1 For the young ones, I advise that if they want to go to Law School, they should start early. Law School is not something you wait to do at a later time.


Adebanjo Ayinuola, 23

The experience was fine and we thank God. The journey was tough, but we are here. Those who want to be successful in Law School should stay focused and read at least three hours a day.

As for extra-curricular activities, there are lots of time for that, but you wouldn’t want to go into that because when you think of your parents, the money spent and everything, you have to keep your head straight and leave and not come back for a resit.


Blessing John, 23

It was tough and fun also. I was able to combine academics and extra-curricular activities.  There was time for everything.


Binta Baldeh (Gambian, 24)

My experience in the Law School was interesting because this was the first time I was in a campus, because in my country, we don’t have campuses like that, and I attended the University of The Gambia as a day student. It was interesting and I met with so many people from different countries and we learnt so much. The standard is very high because we have full time lecturers, and the lecturers have the temperament and a lot of experience. I had fun, I went out with friends.