Lawmaker strips naked in parliament to protest arrest

 When Venezuelan lawmaker Gilber Caro wanted to command the attention of parliament, he did not steal the mace. He stripped down–to his pants. First his jacket, then a blue shirt, and then belt and trousers, all the while continuing his speech. His speech called for support for Juan Requesens, an opposition leader accused and jailed […]

Lawmaker strips naked in parliament to protest arrest

 When Venezuelan lawmaker Gilber Caro wanted to command the attention of parliament, he did not steal the mace. He stripped down–to his pants.

First his jacket, then a blue shirt, and then belt and trousers, all the while continuing his speech.

His speech called for support for Juan Requesens, an opposition leader accused and jailed on allegations he had a role in an attempt to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro during a military celebration on August 4.

“Where does a man’s dignity rest?” asked Caro as he whipped off his clothes.

 “A man’s dignity and love is not carried inside what I just finished removing,’ Caro yelled.

“The dignity is in the heart and we carry Venezuela in the heart, [too].”

Caro himself was freed in June after 17 months in prison. Maduro had accused him of carrying out some attacks in 2016