Leadership and integrity

As a country, we are going through one of our most trying periods. Nigeria is still a very poor country with over 75% of the population living below the poverty line while a small number live in opulence. I beamed for days and my position is dictated by my conviction that this country is precious […]

Leadership and integrity

As a country, we are going through one of our most trying periods. Nigeria is still a very poor country with over 75% of the population living below the poverty line while a small number live in opulence.

I beamed for days and my position is dictated by my conviction that this country is precious enough to be saved.

Sometimes our reasons are flimsy, myopic and unconscionable that this country will never be the same again. This is utopian vision and dogmatic idea. We must choose hope over fear.

Democracy in Nigeria is sitting too unsteadily on sundry problems. It is not as exciting and stimulating as it should be – because of mounting problems caused by the desperate politicians who appeared to be above the law.

History has shown that countries with democracy tend to be more just, stable and successful. For 21 years of uninterrupted democracy in Nigeria, we are still waiting in suspense and living in illusion.

It is only in Nigeria’s definition of democracy that votes do not count. It is high time we woke up from our slumber and defended ourselves from desperate politicians before 2023.

Making analysis, one should refrain from joining the partisan brawl when discussing the Buhari administration because there is tendency for people to read ulterior motives and invent conspiracy theories in reaction to otherwise simple analysis.

Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.”

Lead the front from the back. Put energetic people in the front. This is exactly what Nigerians expected from Mr. Buhari considering his vast experience and age. Leading the front from the back is how a leader should do his work.

A  leader will be blamed for everything despite the fact that he does not have control over everything. But a leader should lead people in a certain direction, changing the direction of their thinking and their actions.

President Buhari needs to know that condition plus principles determine strategy and when condition changes –  strategy and mind change. With due respect,  Mr. President failed to take this into consideration. His intentions from the onset are rooted in an outdated economic model, old maxim and a puerile view of Nigerians.

The leadership of the country had repeatedly let the nation down in critical times. With the incessant allegations of corruption from top to bottom, the fracas in the Villa, the drama between State Minister of Labour/Productivity and National Assembly, the incessant revelation by Sahara Reporters against the Minister of Justice among others.

One could draw a line and say that the leadership of this administration is characterised by chaos and rancour within the rank and file of the APC as ruling party as well as the Nigerian constitution.

The resultant effects of not giving serious attention to serious issues by this administration are incessant protests from the four corners of the country with the calls among various peoples to reform the security architecture of the country – civil disturbances, rising unemployment, increasing wave of banditry and kidnappings, pen robbery and a lot of atrocities all over the country.

There is apparent failure of security apparatus in the country. Abdication of duties, breaching the constitution and feathering the nest of corruption in all ramifications.

Our leaders are perilously steering the country to the cliff.

A country with almost 250 languages and over 400 dialects. Indeed, Nigeria comprised of an area of 923,768. 64 square kilometers – one of the largest countries in Africa with an estimated population of over 200 million which makes it equally the most populous country on the African continent.

This country continues to run out of time and ideas. Our leaders have simply mismanaged our economy and insulted our reputation and abused our country.

At the moment, we seek intervention from Allah to guide us through these frightening days. We need a few good people of character and spirit to build institutions that will back-stop and outlive even incompetent leaders at national and sub- national levels.


Muazu Muazu ([email protected])