Leaving a long-lasting legacy

As human beings, we have no control over how we will die, but we certainly can influence – by what we do or fail to do – how people will think of us when we are gone. But just how ready are we for the end? Let us assume for a moment that we happen […]

Leaving a long-lasting legacy
Leaving a long-lasting legacy

As human beings, we have no control over how we will die, but we certainly can influence – by what we do or fail to do – how people will think of us when we are gone. But just how ready are we for the end?

Let us assume for a moment that we happen to be candidates in an election for which our family members are the voters. Will our spouses, children, neighbours and friends consider us competent for the role we play in their lives and even re-elect us when the need arises? And what will be our unique selling points if we are to be given the chance to campaign?

Fortunately – and this is the good news – we don’t need to compete with anyone to remain ourselves. Indeed, in this case, there are no candidates to compete with. You are simply contesting on how well you have impacted your legacy in the lives of people around you.

Also, a lot of our roles are for individual life span is obviously not guaranteed. To strive for a better you, it is essential that you call yourself to account before somebody else does it. So if you fail in an area of your responsibilities, how do you deal with it? What are the things that you are excelling in and which areas do you think you need a little more attention? While trying to be you, what are the changes you would like to highlight and follow through for a better you and a better legacy?

Leaving a positive legacy is one thing all humans want to leave behind. Pause for a moment and imagine you were no more, what kind of comments would be made about the type of person or the kind of life you lived. Would people say positive things about you or would negative things be said about you. Though it isn’t right to talk bad about the dead but actions they say speak louder than words, they might not say a negative word about you but the actions of people will tell if you impacted positively or negatively.

“Life is not all about living it now. Our lives surely continue after we are dead. For every word said about us when we are dead is what we would be called to witness and account for. We shouldn’t forget that we have people around us whom our legacies could affect too. If we leave a good legacy then we can be sure that it would be of good tidings to them but if we leave a bad legacy then our loved ones are sure to suffer as a result of that. There is more to life than just living for our own selfish interest,” says Rasheedat Ibrahim, a medical practitioner.

Here are a few tips towards building a positive legacy: Maintain ties. Maintaining ties with people no matter your class or status will go a long way in leaving your legacy across all classes of people notwithstanding your status.  Relationships in life are essential; it doesn’t have to be based on material gain. You might be poor but can offer a listening ear to the rich vice versa. These ties we maintain goes on even after death.

Forgive people. How often do we forgive people? We are all humans we know and we are bound to be offended once in a while but how long do we think we can keep up holding a grudge? Every day we seek forgiveness from God so why do we then find it hard to forgive people who might have offended us? What do we tell our creator if at the end of the day we die without forgiving people or holding a grudge? Would you want to leave a legacy of someone who never let go of a grudge or forgave people? I guess not.

Kindness is one of the oldest virtues of gaining a positive legacy in life. Kindness is something that comes pure from the heart. You must not be rich for you to be able to be kind. Kindness doesn’t matter if you are rich, poor, black or white. In death your kindness is the firth thing people will talk about and if you are not then you can be sure that there isn’t any positive legacy you are leaving behind.

Think about your life as a ‘term’ you are serving. What do you want to be remembered for by those around you? Agreed you are not responsible for a whole community but you probably are a shepherd with a tiny flock, your neighbour with no name at the very least if you have a negative legacy.

Last week was a sad week for many families, but the legacies the bereaved left behind kept them going and gave them the courage and comfort to move on with life. When we think of death it makes us speechless but this is a reality that we all have to come to terms with sooner or later in our lives.  The question is, have we campaigned enough for ourselves. Yes because leaving a positive legacy sums up to campaigning a better us. Food for thought its best you start campaigning you. It’s never too late to start now.