Legal eagles fly polo flag around the globe

“Lawyers Polo was founded in 2008 with the idea of bringing together all lawyers who play polo around the world,” explained Bereterbide, who is based in Paris. “So far we have organised polo tournaments in Paris, Dubai, Toronto, Madrid and Buenos Aires.”The lawyers convene for their next tournament in Bangkok 16-21 March, at King Power. […]

Legal eagles fly polo flag around the globe
Legal eagles fly polo flag around the globe

“Lawyers Polo was founded in 2008 with the idea of bringing together all lawyers who play polo around the world,” explained Bereterbide, who is based in Paris. “So far we have organised polo tournaments in Paris, Dubai, Toronto, Madrid and Buenos Aires.”
The lawyers convene for their next tournament in Bangkok 16-21 March, at King Power. Six teams, six days of competition. Pony power is one thing, legal power another. What a concept.