Legal Journalism

According to wiki how, legal journalism is a specialization within journalism. Legal journalists, like journalists in general, research and collect information, and report that information to the general public in a variety of media. However, legal journalists focus specifically on reporting matters pertaining to the law, in simple words, legal journalism is specialized reporting about […]

Legal Journalism
Legal Journalism

According to wiki how, legal journalism is a specialization within journalism. Legal journalists, like journalists in general, research and collect information, and report that information to the general public in a variety of media.
However, legal journalists focus specifically on reporting matters pertaining to the law, in simple words, legal journalism is specialized reporting about all matters pertaining to the field of law.
In my humble opinion, it is not advisable for young lawyers and law students to restrict their practice of law to courts and working in law firms as the only career option available, the law is a wide pool of knowledge with different areas of law, and legal journalism is one of those areas gaining popularity. As a Law student, you have the added advantage of research, writing, drafting and analysis taught in Law School, which are good tools in journalism.
You need not have a degree in both Journalism and Law to become a legal journalist; only a law degree is enough though having both certification would be a better aid for such career choice. Lawyers talented in the skill of writing can use their talent to educate the society about the workings of law.
Outside the borders of Nigeria, legal journalism is an alternative career path for lawyers and law students, could be done part time or full time and you need not be employed in a media house like newspapers and magazines to achieve this, online platforms and blogs can also be an avenue to educate the society about the workings of the legal system.
In the words of Festus Okoye Esq, a legal practitioner, human rights activists and weekly columnist with one of the national dailies “Young Lawyers must explore alternative means and sources of career fulfillment. Legal journalism is one sure way of meeting the needs and challenges in a field that is demanding and challenging. Career in legal journalism for a young lawyer makes the lawyer a specialized and sophisticated journalist. The lawyer will decode things that are not discernible to the ordinary journalist. The lawyer will come from a position of strength and will be an asset to the media organization or group. It is a good career path and young lawyers are advised and encouraged to explore it.”
How then does a young wig venture into legal journalism? A young lawyer can start by doing freelancing work, read the works of other legal journalists, find work as a legal contributor or analyst in any media house or publication, create a blog or website and write on legal issues, build relationships and stay in touch with classmates, maintain online presence {e.g facebook, twitter, instagram}, seek the advice of experienced legal journalists on what to do and how to go about it.
“Journalism is not something that starts with a job, it is a lifestyle, be a news hound.” Majority of the Nigerian populace are unaware about how the law works, their knowledge of the law is restricted to rumours and cooked up stories that don’t represent the reality of the legal profession, as lawyers we owe it to the society to enlighten and educate them about the law.
In some countries, it is mandatory that any reporter covering court proceedings must be a lawyer to avoid any error in reporting, “It is not enough for a journalist to report the courts, he/she must have basic knowledge of the workings of the court, the jurisdiction of grades of court, legal terminologies, court process and procedures.”
Lawyers and law students with flair for writing, good interpersonal skills, knowledge of the law and legal system, energy and nose for news should play a role in contributing to the development of legal profession by venturing into legal journalism, as apart from the financial benefits attached to this career path, it also adds to the profile of a young wig.
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