Lessons From IP3 in Washington DC

Looking way back, it will be considered an understatement that, the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has grown to be become one of the most important agency in the IT sector. This is owing to its positive contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) of over 10% in the last two years under the […]

Lessons From IP3 in Washington DC

Looking way back, it will be considered an understatement that, the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has grown to be become one of the most important agency in the IT sector.

This is owing to its positive contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) of over 10% in the last two years under the stewardship of Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami FNCS,FBCS,FIIM DG/CEO NITDA . Thus, it didn’t come as a surprise when the agency was rated as the most E-Transparent Agency in Nigeria at the recently concluded 5-day Workshop held by the US based Institute IP3.

The workshop organized by the Institute for Public- Private Partnership (IP3) with the theme “PPP Strategies and Project Structuring Techniques”. The event which commenced on the 27th and ended on the 31st of January, 2019 had in attendance representatives of both private and public enterprises from across the globe.

Recounting some resolutions derived at the event as the Representative of the Agency, I would say that all efforts put in by this present administration in ensuring a digital based economy as well as a world class IT sector ,has not been in vain.

Some of these resolutions includes- that government can enjoy the benefits of ICT in promoting information dissemination to its stakeholders; that the public sector must work with citizens and the private sector in order to realize e-transparency goals for good governance;

Defining Transparency according to Business dictionary, it is seen as the lack of hidden agendas and conditions, accompanied by the availability of full information required for collaboration, cooperation and collective decision making.

This however prior to the leadership of the present Chief Information Officer of Nigeria, was not quite in place as only a few knew or had access to information concerning the agency’s operation. This could be attributed to the almost non-existence of easily accessible information regarding the agency available on its website.

However, in democratic governments, citizens participate in different activities carried out by their governments thus ensuring that their leaders act ethically while fulfilling their obligations. The government must therefore provide timely and useful information while consulting the citizens in matters that requires their input.

Also, government information can be available to citizens through either traditional or electronic media which are effective in raising the level of transparency in both the private and public sector.

Since transparency involves the dissemination and use of information for decision making, when these activities are conducted electronically they form what is known as an e-transparency system.

I will also state that, e- transparency can only be achieved in an incorruptible administration. “And with the support of our transparent leader, President Muhammadu Buhari, the nation can become E-Transparent in the next level”.

Engr. Ibrahim Yakubu Nguru FCIA, MNSE is the SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE DG/CEO of National Information Technology Development Agency, NITDA, Dr. ISA ALI IBRAHIM PANTAMI,FNCS,FBCS,FIIM