Lessons of Badeh’s murder

In this column last week, I wrote that even without former US president Obama’s advice to Nigerians to ‘open a new chapter’, our former president, Goodluck Jonathan was destined to lose the 2105 general elections. I argued that sins of commission and omission, committed under his leadership, were enough to make Nigerians wish to dump […]

Lessons of Badeh’s murder

Late former Chief of Defence Staff, retired Air Chief Marshal Alex S. Badeh

In this column last week, I wrote that even without former US president Obama’s advice to Nigerians to ‘open a new chapter’, our former president, Goodluck Jonathan was destined to lose the 2105 general elections. I argued that sins of commission and omission, committed under his leadership, were enough to make Nigerians wish to dump him; and that the biggest sin of all was how he and his lieutenants handled the insurgency.

This last point seems to be gaining currency, in the past few days, ever since the unfortunate killing of former Defence Chief, Air Marshall Alex Badeh. I find two of those opinion pieces worth repeating here. Please read on:


Of Nigerians, the death of Badeh and the hypocrisy of political correctness …

From: Brig-Gen Saleh Bala

I am an ex-service man and I have no sorrow or pity over the death of Badeh, unfortunately. It is high time we as a people (Nigerians) understand hubris and retribution. Many people die by the day or suffer everlasting losses because of people who lived in privilege of public trust and abused it. It was during Badeh and his co-traveller Service Chiefs that the worst of avoidable deaths happened to several service men and women. It was during their time that the worst of equipment were supplied and some not supplied at all, while public funds were siphoned for personal aggrandizement.

It was during his tenure  that Maiduguri Air Force Base was attacked by Boko Haram and priceless aircraft and equipment were destroyed. Not a few months down the line, Badeh was made Chief of Defence Staff through the political conspiracy of some heartless politicians. In a serious country, when such loss happens under your command, you face a court marshal and not an elevation to higher responsibility.

It was during his time that parties, frolicking and debauchery were the order of day in Yola, on the eve of the burial of soldiers and officers who died in combat. The service of several professionally-minded and hardworking officers was cut short because they posed a threat. Badeh would appear in court arrogant and all, because he was privileged to have held high office, in spite of the clear evidence of theft sited in all corners of Abuja and other choice Nigerian cities. Today, the Armed Forces is still reeling from the bad leadership of his like. We have young widows and children who will never know their fathers. I do not sympathize over his death and honestly owe no one any apologies. I pray more divine examples are made of his likes.

Meanwhile, no one should make a comparison between people like Badeh and late Maj Gen Alkali, they are morally and professionally at two opposite extremes. May Allah forgive Alkali and reward him with Jannah. Ameen! Badeh is going to have a well funded and celebrated military burial, just like the prompt Air Force elaborate announcement of his death. Those who died in Metele, Gudumbali, Molai, et al had not been formally announced, just like the deaths of Wing Commander Hedema and his fellow Group Captain who were captured and beheaded by Boko Haram were also not announced or honoured by the military establishment. It was during Baden’s leadership that the existing decision to quietly bury our deceased service men in Maiduguri and Yola, away from public knowledge was taken. Why should I mourn his death?

Alex Badeh: The price of corruption

By Sanusi Lafiagi


“If we don’t kill corruption, corruption will kill us.” – Muhammadu Buhari

Last night when the news of ex CDS Alex Badeh’s murder was broken, I did not immediately believe it. But when I saw the same report on the website of reputable media houses, I knew that the incident wasn’t fake. Nigeria is a theatre of absurdity and we live in strange times. It could have been an advanced version of Dino Melaye’s 11 hours on the tree top drama.

Later when I saw the unfortunate pictures of his lifeless body lying helplessly in his car, I knew that Alex Badeh had been assassinated by yet to be identified assailants. Therefore, I wish to express my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

One of my best friend’s favorite quotes, back in our undergraduate days is, “If you shy away from your responsibilities, you can never escape its consequences.” And while many Nigerians are busy accusing government of not doing enough to protect citizens, with some wondering what the fate of the ordinary citizen would be, if ex military chiefs could be killed like chickens (General Alikali and now Badeh), I chose to look at the bigger picture instead.

Alex Badeh, to me is a victim of the monster that he helped create and nurture. The guy allegedly stole money meant to buy arms to combat terror and criminality. He was standing trial before an Abuja Federal High Court and would have on January 16, 2019 opened his defence in the alleged N3.97 billion fraud charge proferred against him by the federal government.

Whether he diverted the money alone or in connivance with others, that 3.97 billion naira could have been put to better use to combat crimes and terrorism. Remember also that the EFCC in February last year had admitted before the court that it found $1m cash inside of Badeh’s bedroom.

Nothing justifies his murder, as he’s by law innocent until proven guilty, but Badeh clearly abused his office to enrich himself at the expense of the security of the nation. Now, the chickens have come home to roost. It’s unfortunate. The Mubi born Air Force chief did nothing to protect his own people in Mubi when Boko Haram struck in November 2014. In fact, an unverified media account claimed that he moved his family in a helicopter a few hours before the attack. This claim was later debunked by DHQ.

As we mourn the exit of Badeh, I hope that all other persons occupying public positions and privileges will learn that the price of corruption is too high to pay. Today, the Boko Haram menace still stares us in the face as though monies were not budgeted and released for military wares. Over $2.1 meant to purchase arms was allegedly diverted by the NSA, Colonel Sambo Dasuki.

Public officials, whether elected or appointed, who are abusing their offices should know that the monster they helped create today will, sooner or later come back to haunt them and their children.

Our health sector is in terrible state. Poor citizens are dying of ailments that could have been treated here if government had provided the needed facilities. The rich elite jet out of the country to seek treatment over minor head or toothache. Plying the Abuja-Kaduna highway has become synonymous with suicide. Bandits and kidnappers have almost taken over the forests between Sokoto and Zamfara. No where seems to be safe again in this country. Yet, the only thing on the minds of the ruling elites is the next general elections!!!

But like the popular saying goes, the chickens will always come home to roost.