Lest we forget, again!

One crucial factor that we have FINALLY come to terms with is the realization and need for a collective will, irrespective of religious or tribal divide in any meaningful revolution. Again, we have realized that the present predicament that has bedevilled our God-given country is the sum total of our individual misdeeds in different measures. […]

Lest we forget, again!
Lest we forget, again!

One crucial factor that we have FINALLY come to terms with is the realization and need for a collective will, irrespective of religious or tribal divide in any meaningful revolution. Again, we have realized that the present predicament that has bedevilled our God-given country is the sum total of our individual misdeeds in different measures. This latter signal is perhaps the driving force that propelled our crusade for a ‘new Nigeria’. Spontaneously, Nigerians took to mosques, churches, and other places of worship to seek respite or solution to what they believed was an impending calamity. Some did voluntary fasting, others increased in giving to charity, to their family members, neighbours, and to the society at large. And the Almighty, the Ever Benevolent, listened to our wails, accepted our genuine repentance and came to our rescue.  It reminded me so much of Noah’s ark. The holy books relate that the people of Nuh performed a lot of mischief in the land; so God in His infinite wisdom (so that they may return to Him), withdrew some of His provisions that they took for granted and afflicted them with calamities. The people having realized their plight, lamented, confessed of their atrocities, sought for forgiveness from their lord which made them to draw closer to Him, and abracadabra, God relieved them of their sufferings, blessed their affairs and glazed their pots, plates and their deprivations gave way to treasures in His infinite mercy.
We should not trade blames on each other for our present predicament. Instead, we should all reflect on and emulate the people of Prophet Nuh AS (Noah), admit our collective wrongdoing of meddling with our God-given endowments. Let us pray.  “O Allah, we have truly sinned and transgressed many boundaries, FORGIVE us our misdeeds, for you are merciful and truly accept repentance.” But as human beings that forget easily, we have already started forgetting our earlier perilous state. Unbelievable!
My earnest wish is for us to maintain this tempo of being prayerful, godly, and prudent. Let us, all Nigerians, keep praying for our leaders that they may have the Hands of God in all their endeavours as they deal with issues that affect us and our country.

Huda Hassan-Dasuki, Ummahatul Mu’umineen Organisation, Bompai, Kano.