Let’s settle down to develop after election

The presidential election was marvelous and miraculous. Many of Mr. President’s opponents had surely assumed that he would lose the election, but all their conspiracies, malicious campaigns, ill-intention and ill-will ended up in fiasco. Out of despair and hopelessness, they distributed huge amounts of money both in American Dollars and Naira. They thought that they […]

Let’s settle down to develop after election
Let’s settle down to develop after election

The presidential election was marvelous and miraculous. Many of Mr. President’s opponents had surely assumed that he would lose the election, but all their conspiracies, malicious campaigns, ill-intention and ill-will ended up in fiasco. Out of despair and hopelessness, they distributed huge amounts of money both in American Dollars and Naira. They thought that they could buy the conscience of Nigerians. For instance in Sokoto State, in some areas, they distributed clothing materials called “Atamfa” in Hausa and N4000 to women, but Almighty Allah was so kind, the women collected the gifts but voted Buhari.

These lots should know that Nigerians are now astute, discerning and clever. They cannot be deceived easily. Now blandishment and blarney cannot work. The president’s instruction to security agents to shoot riggers had contributed a lot to the free and fairness of the conduct of the voting. What was fascinating and enthralling was that many of prominent and arch supporters of the PDP surprisingly failed awfully in their own polling units where they personally cast their votes, including the presidential candidate. This happened in Yola and Kano. Though Buba Galadima did not travel to Gashua his home town in Yobe State, but President Buhari scored overwhelmingly there. So if such people are rejected by their own people, then can one expect that they would be accepted by Nigerians? President Buhari has no dollars to share for canvassing or buying votes, but he has integrity, condor, veracity and patriotism to pass around. In Kwara State, they did not only lose the election, but they were chased from the town to the airport. In fact I don’t know how Buhari’s antagonists will translate his wild and enthusiastic popularity across the country in the last election. Sometimes, unfortunately and dismally, scores of Nigerians cast their votes on the basis of religion, region, or tribe. Going by this, if the previous elections were conducted based on these issues, how can they now assess this election of 2019? Both the presidential candidates were Muslims, Northerners, and Fulanis by tribe. Not only that, some naive Nigerians lamentably divided the two parties into religious parties, that APC is an Islamic party while PDP is a Christian party. What a disastrous belief or conviction. According to my understanding there is no religious party in Nigeria at all. All the parties are national ones. Nigeria is a secular country, such prejudice cannot work. As far as my knowledge goes, no party was registered based on religion. Therefore, as such people must believe that President Buhari is an endearing national president. His popularity is based on patriotism and honesty not only in Nigeria but also internationally. Let me intimate my compatriots that, the secret behind Buhari’s success was that, this time around there was no snatching of ballot boxes or rigging. That was why local and international communities acclaimed the election and described it as the most fair and freer election. That was why the other people were disturbed and perturbed.

The presidential candidate of PDP said he would go to court to challenge the verdict. Well, every Nigerian is entitled to exercise his constitutional right, even if that will end up in fiasco and ignominious failure. Nigerians should not be in oblivion that President Muhammadu Buhari was beguiled and cheated in 2003, 2007 and 2011 elections, he went to court as a result of that, but to no avail, talk less of that, the previous election was conducted in an atmosphere of peace and justice, for all the foreign observers had acknowledged this fact. I earlier mentioned in some of my writings that bouncing from one party to another could not pay. There were politicians who changed their parties five times. To me this shows lack of principle and obsession with power. Usually such people serve only themselves, otherwise why will one behave like a rolling stone. I am so baffled that why some Nigerians are astounded because PMB scored more than 9000 votes in Borno State against that of 2015 which was 4000. It was so because, before the year 2015, 17 LGAs were in the hands of the miscreant elements, but now they are all free. No single village is under Boko Haram. All the IDPs except very few had gone back to their LGs. Thus they voted Buhari.

By and large, the good people of Nigeria are adequately informed that President Muhammadu Buhari has come to serve our country with all his strength and ability. We are very certain that he is on board to obliterate insecurity, blot out myopic sentiments, curtail embezzlement, render malefaction annihilated and uproot executive pilferage. By the Almighty God’s grace soon Nigerian economy will thrive. Nigerians, we have now come of age to jettison all forms of sentiments, animosity, hatred and bickering. Let’s inculcate into our minds love of meritorious service to our motherland. My fellow countrymen, let us buckle down to the development and progress of our beloved country. Please let’s hug each other in the name of love and brotherhood. The words love and brotherhood are of cardinal significance to both religions. Mr. President you are known for your altruism, warmheartedness and benevolence. Please carry everybody along with you.

Prof. M. Muazu Nguru wrote from Nigerian Arabic Village

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