Letter to all Nigerians

The whole truth is that, a great number of people from every segment of the society today are seriously suffering. To them, securing what to eat is becoming difficult day by day, let alone coming to terms with various other basic needs like health  among others. People are suffering beyond what one can possibly imagine. […]

Letter to all Nigerians

The whole truth is that, a great number of people from every segment of the society today are seriously suffering. To them, securing what to eat is becoming difficult day by day, let alone coming to terms with various other basic needs like health  among others. People are suffering beyond what one can possibly imagine.

The most painful of it all is that one could only watch these scenes of suffering and acute denial with impotent and helpless look, as there is nothing one could offer them but prayers and faint wishes of better fortunes. My piece of advice to all Nigerians at this juncture is to endeavour to be contented with their situations.

And if you have any means to help others, kindly do so promptly. Do not wait till tomorrow to help someone you can help today because none of us is promised tomorrow. Remember, it is the little that you do today that will make tomorrow worthy of living.

Therefore, look around you for those you can help today  with the little you can afford. Stand up to help them. Stretch forth your benevolent hands to dry their tears and Allah will do the same for you. Your wealth matters only when you channel it towards the service of humanity.

May Allah provide us with wealth to help those in need, such wealth that will be dispensed towards the cause of serving our society and touching lives.


Adamu Usman Garko  [email protected]