Letter to Mr President

By Abdulrazak Iliyasu Sansani  Dear Sir,  I write you this letter at the most disturbing epoch. I highly doubt this message will reach you or even any of your numerous aides. But it is the least I can do for the only country I have, I truly believe in, and love a lot.  As I write […]

Letter to Mr President

By Abdulrazak Iliyasu Sansani 

Dear Sir, 

I write you this letter at the most disturbing epoch. I highly doubt this message will reach you or even any of your numerous aides. But it is the least I can do for the only country I have, I truly believe in, and love a lot.  As I write this letter,  Nigeria is ailing, and oozing blood of the innocent victims of terrorism, kidnapping, ethno-religious crises, banditry, etc. These are more lethal in the North, where it has become the epicentre of destruction by some devilish people. 

The bloodletting in the North has reached its height:  that fear, anxiety, and gloom have taken centre stage in the minds of people. 

Mr President, Nigerians voted you to address the enormous security challenges bedevilling this country. It was one of the core campaign promises of your administration: security, fighting corruption, and economy. 

Once you received the mantle of leadership Nigerians pinned their hopes on you to address the security concerns, especially with your military background, having led the country before and stood three times for election for the highest office in the land.

Bombings that had become a new normal at the twilight years of  former President Jonathan’s administration reduced gradually to a point that we hardly heard of bombs being detonated anywhere in Nigeria. However, the security issues in Nigeria have turned for the worse recently. Kidnapping has increased across the northern states as bandits operate on a scale unknown to this country. Nigeria faces numerous security challenges in its many parts. 

But what I don’t understand is how the so-called bandits could have the guts to collect levies from local farmers in some communities before they are allowed to go to their farms.

What is the problem Sir? Is it that Nigeria doesn’t have sufficient manpower and weapons to confront these terrorists? I highly doubt that. Where then does the problem lie, Mr President? 

As if that isn’t sufficiently horrible, we now have to read, listen, and watch heart-rending, sad stories over and over again. An air of gloom and despondency seems to have firmly settled over our dear country. The people who voted you for the ideals we believe you stand for,  daily are losing hope in the leader some of us did everything within the ambit of the law to make President.

This piece will be misconstrued by those who believe everything is politics. For me it is entirely wrong and it would be the highest disrespect I could accord to the memories of the victims of this bloodbath, if I play any kind of politics with their lives.

But I have lost too much sleep listening to numerous  Nigerians tell their tale of woe. Shafa’atu?  Here was a woman who lost eight members of her family when bandits set the vehicle she was travelling in along with other passengers ablaze.

The #Sokotoimmolation is more than sufficient reason to irk anyone.

Hence, whatever it takes to comprehensively solve the security problems is required. We have been inundated with stories about clandestine efforts by some unknown people, or rather masked to the public since former President Jonathan’s tenure, that they were sponsoring this carnage. This has remained a potent argument up to now.  Nevertheless it highly baffles me. For how can this allegation be going on for two consecutive tenures and yet both administrations have not damned whatever consequences and gone ahead to expose them or even proceed to prosecute them. 

Whatever needs to be done, and no matter what it takes to truly bring them to book must be done. You must also rise, forcefully rise against those who take joy in killing, maiming and kidnapping people. Nigeria must also match them and give them exactly what they give Nigerian citizens regularly. It is what absolutely makes sense to me. 

Your Excellency, you rode on the back of unalloyed support from Nigerians across the country, especially the northern part where 12 million votes were almost guaranteed even before electioneering commenced. I know for a fact that the trust, acceptability, support, and goodwill you enjoyed in the North were mainly because of your hallmark integrity and belief that you will salvage Nigeria. As a Nigerian I do not seek for any preferential treatment for the North or the South, all I ask is that no stone should be left unturned in fighting terrorism, kidnapping, banditry, and all forms of criminality. In a nutshell, we want government to live up to its primary essence of protecting lives and property. 

In this line the issue of local government autonomy must also be thoroughly looked into Mr President. A lot has been said by experts linking the severe security challenges in the country to lack of government presence at the local level. Recently, we heard former President Jonathan concur with that. You have attempted to get it done but unfortunately, it has not yielded the intended result and I know it is not entirely down to you to get it done. But I urge you to put more effort for the sake of the masses who are extremely suffering. Please do it for Nigeria. 

Finally, I must salute the gallantry of the security personnel who continue to sacrifice everything for the safety of all Nigerians. No matter what, we cannot thank them a lot. It is because of brave Nigerians like them that despite the shortcomings in so many quarters we still dare to dream of victory over terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, and reduce all forms of crimes to the barest minimum. Mr President, a lot can still be done before your tenure elapses: use the time judiciously. As they say, power is transient, while history is immortal.  May Nigeria succeed against all its enemies. God bless Nigeria. 

Sansani wrote from Turaki B, Jalingo, Taraba State.