Leveraging electronic media to address fuel subsidy removal, price hike

The recent fuel subsidy removal and sudden hike in fuel prices in Nigeria have caused widespread outrage and protests among citizens. Many…

Leveraging electronic media to address fuel subsidy removal, price hike

Fuel Subsidy removal

The recent fuel subsidy removal and sudden hike in fuel prices in Nigeria have caused widespread outrage and protests among citizens. Many Nigerians are frustrated with the government’s decision to remove fuel subsidy and increase fuel prices. They feel that they were not consulted or informed about the decisions.

One way to address this problem is to leverage electronic media as a communication tool. Electronic media, such as social media, radio, television and other online platforms, can help disseminate accurate and timely information to a wide audience, and provide citizens with a platform to voice their concerns and opinions.

For example, social media can be used to share news updates, videos, and other multimedia content that can help educate citizens about the fuel subsidy removal and sudden fuel price hike. Citizens can also use social media to share their thoughts and opinions on the issue, and engage with other citizens and government officials in a constructive and respectful way.

Radio and television can also be used as effective communication tools to reach a wider audience, especially in rural areas where access to electronic media may be limited. Government officials and experts can be invited to speak on radio and television programmes to provide citizens with accurate and reliable information about fuel subsidy removal and sudden fuel price hikes.

In addition, the government can use online platforms, such as websites and mobile apps, to provide citizens with easy access to information about fuel subsidy removal and sudden fuel price hikes.

Citizens can use these platforms to track fuel prices, find fuel stations, and share their feedback and opinions with the government.

Overall, electronic media can play a critical role in addressing Nigeria’s fuel subsidy removal and sudden fuel price hikes. By leveraging electronic media as a communication tool, the government can help disseminate accurate and timely information to citizens, and provide them with a platform to voice their concerns and opinions. This can help create a more informed, engaged, and collaborative citizenry, and promote a more effective and transparent government.

Not leveraging social media to address the issue of subsidy removal can have serious consequences for the government and citizens alike. By using social media as a communication tool, the government can help promote transparency, accuracy, and citizen engagement, and work towards a more effective and collaborative solution to the issue.


Olayode Abdurasaq can be reached via [email protected]