LG Electronics designs products for holiday lovers

There are plenty of great holiday memories to be made just by pulling out your smart gadgets to capture the moment.  Technology is fast becoming a companion to vacation lovers simply to help them maximize their holiday time with greater connectivity devoid of any form of stress.  These days hotels now offer their guests more […]

LG Electronics designs products for holiday lovers

LG Electronics

There are plenty of great holiday memories to be made just by pulling out your smart gadgets to capture the moment. 

Technology is fast becoming a companion to vacation lovers simply to help them maximize their holiday time with greater connectivity devoid of any form of stress. 

These days hotels now offer their guests more than just the latest tablet or TV, they have upped their game by utilizing more technology in smarter ways to make life simple for guest while holidaying with them in a more relaxed and homelike environment. The power of smart technology is unimaginable offering users unique experiences that they would struggle to find elsewhere.

Smart technologies are everywhere that is why Electronics giant, LG has designed life changing and highly innovative products to bring about smart connected and safe world.  


Managing Director, LG Electronics West Africa operations, Mr. Taeick Son said: “ the best time for relaxation is vacation and to help make it a worthwhile experience LG has a variety of smart products to help consumers stay safe and connected to their loved ones even while on holiday. With our smart innovative product you are sure of having a memorable holiday experience.”