Life is not just about regrets!

There are many women who find themselves in this situation when they feel they have been hurt by their husband and get angry to the point that they regret the marriage. The thought of regretting the marriage props up in us every now and then when we find ourselves in a very difficult situation and […]

Life is not just about regrets!
Life is not just about regrets!

There are many women who find themselves in this situation when they feel they have been hurt by their husband and get angry to the point that they regret the marriage. The thought of regretting the marriage props up in us every now and then when we find ourselves in a very difficult situation and wished it could be the other way round, but we have to come to terms with the fact that things do

It is normal for any human being to become bored with things that they’ve been living with for a long time, but when we talk of marriage, we are talking of something we have decided to go into for better or worse throughout our lifetime. It will not make sense to walk out or regret the marriage, especially if children are involved.

Regrets are bound to find their way into our lives and thoughts because there is no such thing as a life without regrets. However, regrets can become either burdens that interfere with our present happiness and restrict our future or motivation to move forward. If you find yourself being overwhelmed by regrets, then you should have a second thought on how to work your marriage back to why you married your husband in the first place.

Marriage itself is a trial and you must be prepared to face whatever comes your way. The main reason why people tend to easily regret is because they spend their whole time fantasying about a Cinderella living happily ever after marriage without dealing with the real essence of being married. There are things no one tells you about marriage, you only learn them as you grow in the marriage. All marriages cannot afford to be the same. Every marriage is unique in every aspect. For the fact that a particular marriage is what it is does not mean another marriage should be the same.

 But on the other hand, getting married for the wrong reasons that you end up not getting what you dreamed of in the marriage can make you to later regret the marriage.

According to Joanne Spiff, a relationship expert in the US, “You should not regret anything that made you happy, things happen because they are designed to happen and teach you something. Every step you take positive or not, you will find hurdles in your way which are discouraging. But with each passing hurdle and disappointment in your marriage, you are carved into a different person.”  

Everything in life happens for a reason, be it fate, destiny, luck or whatever; the bottom line remains that things are what they are and all we need is to learn to accept the constant changes in our lives which might result from our seemingly small and insignificant actions and decisions.

Things have happened in the past and we cannot change them. You have this moment; use your regrets to move on, take each moment of your life and be fully present, live today to be fully alive and connected to what matters to you everyday. Life is too short to dwell on regrets and unrealistic future possibilities that you would have rather done way back. Are you married to the wrong guy, studying the wrong course or doing the wrong job? Whatever it is, you have to realise that if given a second chance, you would have done it in a different and better way, so learn from it and make your life better. Get on with your life as there is more to life than regretting your past and being obsessed about things that you cannot possibly change. Moving on can help to make you into something and someone who others including yourself can respect despite the hand of fate or destiny that might have taken a different toll on your life.

Whether we live with or without regrets depends on the perspective we have on our lives as a whole. If our lives have turned out fair, we might not be as quick to drag out the feelings of regret, but as humans, we are always quick to jump to conclusion and illusions when things go a little rough and tough. We should, however, remember that after sorrow comes happiness. Whatever difficulty you are facing in your marriage, it is just a trying period and things will definitely be better at the end and you will only sit and laugh when you recall the situation.  

Some things will be easily done and things might go on smoothly in your life for a while, while sometimes it will be difficult and hard and the road will be thorny, but the ultimate price is keeping your eyes on living a successful life without regrets.

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