Lighting the spark

At first I dismissed the slight touch around my ear because I was very sleepy. When I felt it again I almost opened my eyes. Is my ear really being touched or was I imagining it? I wondered. Then I felt the definite feel of an ear piece being pushed into my ear. What is […]

Lighting the spark
Lighting the spark

At first I dismissed the slight touch around my ear because I was very sleepy. When I felt it again I almost opened my eyes. Is my ear really being touched or was I imagining it? I wondered. Then I felt the definite feel of an ear piece being pushed into my ear. What is Little Bint up to? I asked myself. How could she disturb me in my sleep? Well, I’ll pretend I’m still asleep to see just how far she can go, I resolved. But at just that moment I heard the soft sound of music and the following lyrics flooding through my ear:
‘I could hardly believe it,
When I heard the news today,
I had to come and get it straight from you’
At this point I knew it couldn’t be LB. Not only will she never be this daring, but even if she was, her choice will never be this ‘ancient’ song that will make no meaning to her. Smiling in the darkness I opened my eyes to see Tahir hovering over me, his phone, with the earpiece connected, in his right hand.
‘You know it’s a sin to wake people from sleep this way.’ I joked.
‘Maybe, but it will be a bigger sin to let sleeping beauties sleep when their princes are unable to.’ He replied, sitting on the.edge of the bed.
‘But why Micheal Bolton and why this song? In fact I had no idea you even have any music in your phone nor did I know that you ever use your ear piece.’ I observed.
‘Well now you know and you already know that some things are never used until they are absolutely needed. As for your questions, why Micheal Bolton? Because he has the best song to rekindle our memories. Why this song because it was your favourite when we first got married. In those good old days, whenever we were in the car, you’ll play the stereo and put your favourite tape, the one we named ‘Sweet and Sour Temptations.’ Then we would continue to talk while I drove on to our destination. But the moment Michael Bolton’s voice took over and this song began to play you’ll stop talking to me and follow him as he sang. You followed his every word and every sigh as if you were paid to memorise it. I didn’t need to be told it was your favourite track in the tape. Anyway today I said myself, if there was one song guaranteed to light up the spark in our lives again, this is surely it. So I quickly downloaded it from the internet and here we are.’ Tahir explained with a broad smile.
‘So you even know how to download songs on your mobile? Congrats  hubby dearest you are more digital than I am. The other day when I decided to download the complete Holy Quran and Muslim Pro, I had to enlist the help of Ummi to get it done.’ I said, removing the earpiece and handing it to him. That was when I noticed him removing the second piece from his ear too.
‘Do you mean that we listened to this song together? How romantic? Just what are we celebrating?’ I asked, sitting up to lean on the head rest.
‘You mean you didn’t hear what I said earlier. I told you I was lighting back the spark in our lives.’ He replied.
‘But the spark never left our lives. Yes, we are a little older, and with grown up children we can’t be all lovey-dovey like in the early days, but we still have our magical chemistry. It’s still sparkling and I don’t think it needs any emergency rekindling.’ I insisted, reaching up to touch his right cheek.
‘Well, that wasn’t what I heard you saying Bint. So there’s no need to pretend with me. I heard everything.’ He answered, a serious note in his voice.
‘You heard everything, when? And what did you hear?’ I asked, confused.
‘I heard you telling your friend Mariya that all I ever do now is to go to sleep by 10pm; complain that my sleep was disturbed if you came in late; insist that because I had to be up for tahajjud at 4am I deserve at least six hours of sleep, etc etc.’ Tahir explained.
‘Oh I’m truly sorry you heard that but honestly you heard everything out of context. You see, she called to tell me about the birth of their third grandchild. You know her eldest daughter has two children and now her son’s wife gave birth to a girl. After all the congratulations, I asked her how her husband was doing. I jocularly said he must be on top of the world now because he is a three-time grandpa already. Mariya agreed with me and said that’s the excuse he now uses when he wants to get some things done. She said he always says ‘I’m an old man, a grandfather so give me that or don’t do that’ depending on what he wants.
I laughed and said it doesn’t take being a grandpa for men to change their ways. I told her that you have changed a lot too in the last few years and I mentioned those things you heard me say. But I also said that was part of becoming more mature and responsible. If only you had hung around you will hear all that. But as they say eavesdroppers never hear any good about themselves.’ I joked.
‘I heard that part too but I believe it was just a diplomatic way of saying the changes are part of impending old age. Any way after what I overheard you saying to Mariya, I decided to show you just how wrong you were by staging this light up the spark act. So are you ready to follow me to my room now?’ He asked rising up from my bed.
‘But what is wrong with my room?’ I protested.
‘Risky venue, can’t have LB storming in in search of her mother.’ He answered.
‘But she’s been asleep in their room.’ I insisted.
‘Don’t you just know your daughter? She can wake up any moment and decide she wants to sleep next to you. But since her old man has a spark-in agenda tonight, I just wont ler her find you.’ Tahir replied, reaching out to help me up.