Literary organisation to offer chap book, more to one writer

Fear No Lit, a literary organization co-founded by Tyler Barton and Erin Dorney is offering a chap book and launch party to one writer from any part of the world. Writers qualified to apply are those who are yet to publish a book, have won no major award, not in an MFA or PhD, and […]

Literary organisation to offer chap book, more to one writer

Fear No Lit, a literary organization co-founded by Tyler Barton and Erin Dorney is offering a chap book and launch party to one writer from any part of the world.

Writers qualified to apply are those who are yet to publish a book, have won no major award, not in an MFA or PhD, and are willing to create.

The winner would also get $500 for travel and room expenses, and another $500 allowance.  

Submissions close on August 31, 2017. By October 1, 10 semi-finalists will be selected and by October 31 one winner and 3 finalists would be selected. An official announcement would be made in early November.