Living life for a purpose

Have you ever wondered why you are here in this world or what is your purpose in life? Although many people believe they have a purpose, they often have a difficult time discovering their own reason for living. Some people for some spiritual reasons do believe they will discover their reason for being created through […]

Living life for a purpose
Living life for a purpose

Have you ever wondered why you are here in this world or what is your purpose in life? Although many people believe they have a purpose, they often have a difficult time discovering their own reason for living. Some people for some spiritual reasons do believe they will discover their reason for being created through an inspiration from the heavens. Though there is no denying the fact that some of our life purposes do come to us in some unusual ways. But then the answer for most of us is that we actually have to “choose” our purpose. We are the ones who decide what purpose we decide to live in this world.

Living a life of purpose reflects who we are deep inside; our beliefs, our values, and our passion for living. It is all about following our heart and doing what we love to do with passion and purpose. Finding that purpose in our lives is that special something in us that gives our lives meaning and direction, it is something special that inspires us and makes us want to live life more. To live life on purpose is to experience the joys of fulfilment.

“Life is all about choices good, bad, happiness, and so many other choices. It is important that we diligently and skilfully pursue fulfilment in our lives despite negative situations that might come our way or people who may seem to be trying to take away positive things away from us. Our choices should be reflective of who we are and should be one full of purpose and meaning, that can have an impact on people we are surrounded by” says Betty Abbey, an accountant.

We all have a purpose in life and we are all guided by our conscience, which could be described as an inner compass. Your inner compass represents your purpose in life in accordance with your core values, principles and beliefs to support them. You cannot always predict what the road ahead in your life will look like but you can trust that with your inner compass you will always stay on course and achieve a purpose in life.

Like a compass, your unique purpose is a strong source of courage in times of difficulties and challenges. There are times when we come across brick walls in the cause of our pursuits and we feel temporarily lost or sidetracked and one feels like giving up but we can always find ‘our true worth’ when we trust our inner compass and know there is always a purpose in every circumstance that happens to us.

A life of crime, snooping, gossiping, lying amongst other negative vices is not what we want to achieve, neither is anyone created for the purpose of negativity. Finding our purpose in life takes courage. William Barcely once said “there are two great days in a person’s life, the day we were born and the day we discover why we were born.” It takes courage to choose a purpose and even more courage to live your live based on it.

In Truth, our life purpose is always calling us – it’s that little whisper we perceive when we have an important decision to make. It’s that little intuitive inkling that says “yes” when others around us are saying “no”.  Our life purpose is unfolding and guiding us whether we realize it or not. Living a life with purpose takes constant practice, evaluation, and patience. Living a life with purpose does not mean that you have to be involved in some great discovery or tremendous idea. Instead, it often rises from a commitment to be faithful to even the most undervalued of tasks.

The one question about finding your purpose could be troubling but it’s all about finding what you love to do the most, living with passion, searching for what gives your life meaning. It’s about being in tune with who you really are. Having a purpose in your life is almost like a spiritual experience. Living your life of purpose gives you that clarity of vision and constant reflection about the choices you might have made in the cause of your life’s journey.

Until we discover our purpose in life and discover ourselves to be greater and better people than we ever dreamt to be, we might never be able to find the balance we so desire in our lives.

The meaning of life and the answer to that all depends on how willing we are to discover our purpose in live and live it passionately.