Living victoriously over defeat

There are moments that feel like everything in life is basically meaningless and pointless, you feel on top of the world one day and the next you feel like the most deserted person in the world and wish that you life would just come to an end because you are finding it had to cope […]

Living victoriously over defeat
Living victoriously over defeat

There are moments that feel like everything in life is basically meaningless and pointless, you feel on top of the world one day and the next you feel like the most deserted person in the world and wish that you life would just come to an end because you are finding it had to cope with whatever defeat you are going through at that particular moment.

We all have bad days and moments it could come in various ways, it could be issues with friends, kids, family problems, illness, financial problems in our lives and all we get is the feeling that life is baseless. Defeat in our lives does not necessarily mean the end of our world. Defeat comes in once in a while but the real defeat is when we fail to overcome whatever circumstances that come our way as a defeat.

One mistake we make is losing hope in being defeated which opens a way of life to negativity. One of the cold realities of the world is that you cannot win all the time, somewhere and somehow you will definitely suffer defeats in some aspects of your life. Nobody ever enjoys losing as losing is never fun but when it happens, it happens and there is nothing we can do about it.

Rather than allowing defeats to demoralize you and everything around you, you can turn it around to your own advantage and analyze why you lost and strike a deal to make better trials in future. Defeats are somewhat a blessing in disguise as they make us learn more about ourselves and weak points. “I learn more from my defeats than from my victory, which is a very humble and unique way of learning about your mistakes and yourself” says Bello Awal, a media consultant. We must understand that not only does defeat keep us humble, but it forces us to do better next time.

Feeling defeated can be a temporary condition giving up is what makes it permanent. Bruce Lee once said “Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as reality. To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary and its punishment is but an urge for me to greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing, it’s a path leading to success and truth”

Defeat is not necessarily a bad thing, things happen to us in life to teach us lessons. Learning to accept defeat when we know we can do nothing more to change the situation is the best remedy we can offer ourselves. Accept that things are the way are the way they are and that eventually things will work out for the better, defeat should be looked as a lesson learned.

Defeat is never a curse as life is all about winning some and losing some. Being defeated is not the end of life. Life is made out of those situations when someone decides to either be temporarily defeated or permanently destroyed.

It is easy to have a positive attitude when things are going well but there are times when our attitude and outlook are put to test by being defeated and then the real question props up. Can we surpass the test of being defeated? You and only you can live victoriously over defeat in your life.  Let the words of Michael De Montaigne be your guide in overcoming defeat in your life “There are some defeats that are more triumphant than victories”.