Looking for COVID-19 vaccine? Don’t drink this

It is understandable how you may be concerned about a cure for or a vaccine against coronavirus disease. But be careful what you wish for. A liquid mixture is being sold with claims that it is “#COVID19 vaccine.” “This is FALSE!” the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control announced on its social media platform, carefully noting […]

Looking for COVID-19 vaccine? Don’t drink this
Looking for COVID-19 vaccine? Don’t drink this

It is understandable how you may be concerned about a cure for or a vaccine against coronavirus disease. But be careful what you wish for.

A liquid mixture is being sold with claims that it is “#COVID19 vaccine.”

“This is FALSE!” the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control announced on its social media platform, carefully noting the all-caps negation.

“There is currently, NO VACCINE or drug approved for #COVID19 prevention by health authorities. #TakeResponslibility Only purchase and consume drugs at accredited pharmacies or health facilities.”

Courtesy: NCDCgov