Magic and its ruling in Islam

The learning and practice of magic is classified by scholars of Islam as Kufr (disbelief). They based their evidence on the verse in Surah Baqarah ( Qur’an 2: 102: “ They follow what the Shayateen (devils) related concerning Solomon’s kingdom, it was not Sulaiman who disbelieved , it was the devils who disbelieved by teaching […]

Magic and its ruling in Islam

The learning and practice of magic is classified by scholars of Islam as Kufr (disbelief). They based their evidence on the verse in Surah Baqarah ( Qur’an 2: 102: “ They follow what the Shayateen (devils) related concerning Solomon’s kingdom, it was not Sulaiman who disbelieved , it was the devils who disbelieved by teaching the people magic and that which  was revealed to the angels Harot and Marot in Babil (Babylon). Although the two would not teach anyone anything until after they warned them saying, ‘Verily we are a test and trial so do not commit disbelief’. But the people went ahead and learned from the two of them what could cause the separation of a man from his wife. However, they could not harm anyone with it except by Allah’s permission. They learned what would only harm their own souls and not benefit them. Verily they knew that whoever purchases it would have no share in the Hereafter. Evil indeed was the price for which they sold their own souls if they only knew.”
 The scholars said the verse clearly indicate that magic (sihr) is disbelief because eternal residence in Jahannam (the Hell Fire) could only be a punishment for disbelief.  It also proves that the magicians as well as those who learn or teach magic are Kufar (disbelievers) because of the phrase: “whoever purchases it”, which is general in its implications.
They further said it includes whoever acquires wealth from teaching it and whoever pays to learn it.
In Islam, magic includes witchcraft, ritual invocation of genie, idols, rivers et cetera.
“In Arabic, however, the term ‘Sihr’ (magic) makes no distinction between the branches of magic. Thus, it includes sorcery, witchcraft, divination and necromancy”, said Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips in his celebrated book ‘The Fundamentals of Tawheed’ (Islamic Monotheism).
Though some Muslims deny magic, Islam recognises its reality. “It is true that much of the magic around today is a product of trickery involving gadgets cleverly designed to deceive audiences. But, just as in the case of fortune-telling, there exist around the world some people who practice real magic resulting from their contact with the evil genies”, said Dr Philips.
But Islam forbids Muslims from practicing or learning magic (real and fake). Our religion also teaches us that no magic can harm you except Allah has willed that it will harm you, as derived from the phrase: “However, they could not harm anyone with it except by Allah’s permission.”
Zayd ibn Arqam reported that a Jew by the name Labeeb ibn A’sam, cast a magical spell on the Prophet (sallalLahu alayhi wa sallam) and when he began to suffer from it, Jibreel (Angel Gabriel) came to him and revealed the last two chapters of the Qur’an (Mu’awwadhatan) then said to him, “ surely it was a Jew who cast this spell on you and the magical charm is in a certain well.” The Prophet sent ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib to go and fetch the charm. When he returned with it, the Prophet told him to untie the knots in it, one by one, and recite a verse from the the two surahs with each. When he did so, the Prophet (sallalLahu alayhi wa salaam) got up as if he had been released from being tied up.” (al-Bayhaqi and much of was also reported by al-Imam al-Bukhari).
    Islam has set aside a very stiff penalty for anyone caught practicing magic. The sentence is death for any magician who does not repent and give it up. The sentence should be carried out by the authority if the magician is caught practicing or teaching it. This is based on the statement of the Prophet (pbuh) who said: “The prescribed punishment for the magician is that he be executed by the sword.” Collected by at-Tirmidhi.
Three of the four popular legists in Islam (Imams Abu Hanifah, Malik and Ahmad) ruled according to the hadith. But the fourth, Imam ash-Shafi’i said the magician should only be killed if his magic feats reached the level of Kufr (disbelief).