Major Sudanese rebels declare unilateral 3-month cessation of hostilities

A major Sudanese rebel group, on Wednesday, declared a unilateral three-month cessation of hostilities, official statement has said. “I declare the cessation of hostilities at all the areas under the control of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, SPLM/ Northern Sector. “The cessation of hostilities continues for three months as of April 17 until July 31, […]

Major Sudanese rebels declare unilateral 3-month cessation of hostilities

File photo of a rebel group.

A major Sudanese rebel group, on Wednesday, declared a unilateral three-month cessation of hostilities, official statement has said.

“I declare the cessation of hostilities at all the areas under the control of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, SPLM/ Northern Sector.

“The cessation of hostilities continues for three months as of April 17 until July 31, 2019),’’ Abdel Al-Aziz Al-Hilu, SPLM’s chairman, said in a statement.

He instructed all forces of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the SPLM/ northern sector’s military arm, to abide by this declaration and stop any hostile acts unless in self-defence or in defence of the citizens.

Al-Hilu regarded the declaration of cessation of hostilities as a goodwill gesture towards the peaceful settlement of the Sudanese issue and to avail the opportunity for immediate and smooth transition of power to the civilians.

Sudan’s Transitional Military Council, chaired by Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, is tasked with running the country’s affairs following the ouster of former President Omar al-Bashir’s regime.

The SPLM/northern sector has been fighting the central government in Khartoum at South Kordofan and Blue Nile areas since 2011. (Xinhua/NAN)