Making portable water accessible to Kano people

It is a well-known fact that “water” remains the most required commodity for human survival and the most needed for stimulating the domestic chores of humanity. These facts inspired the legendary Nigerian musician and the creator of the Afro-music dynasty, the late Fela Fumilayo Ransom-Kuti to sing in praise of water, where he sang the […]

Making portable water accessible to Kano people

Water vendors sourcing water from a borehole at old Bukuru Park, Jos

It is a well-known fact that “water” remains the most required commodity for human survival and the most needed for stimulating the domestic chores of humanity. These facts inspired the legendary Nigerian musician and the creator of the Afro-music dynasty, the late Fela Fumilayo Ransom-Kuti to sing in praise of water, where he sang the lyrics: “Water no get enemy.”

I remember with nostalgia during our growing up days, in the early 70s, water was usually found in all major strategic locations across the country, because the authorities then, had ensured the installation of pipe-borne water from the dams to the treatment plants, spread widely into virtually all houses within the major cities and towns.

This is apart from the public water pumps that were found being constructed and installed for public convenience in almost all strategic locations. During those memorable days, boreholes were nowhere to be found much less of, the selling of water in Jerry cans, which has come to be a way of life in major cities across Nigeria. In fact, in present-day Nigeria, the drilling of boreholes and selling of drilled water is one the major business of many people out there.

It is also true that during the 70s and late 80s what is known today as “bottled water” of varied brands and sachet water (pure water) produced by competent and incompetent agents for the consumption of the general public, that are being sold in all categories of stores and supermarkets today in Nigeria, could not be found anywhere in Nigeria or in any store or supermarket then.

 Unfortunately, today, bottled and sachet water is the most commonly found commodity in our retail shops and supermarkets. Regrettably, too, the water being sold has been categorised; while the bottled water is consumed by the rich and the elite class, the sachet or pure water as it is popularly called in Nigerian parlance is consumed by the lower class and the less financially endowed.

In essence, the low-income earners go for sachet water, worst still, most of our dams across Nigeria are no longer supplying water to the supposed treatment plants, talk-less of pumping water down to our rusted and obsolete network of pipes into our homes.

Also, most state governments are no longer funding any water projects in their states or care to as a matter of necessity, purchase or acquire basic items and equipment for distilling, filtering, and distributing water into our long-forgotten pipes from the various water treatment plants and sub-stations across the country.

However, the epileptic supply of pipe-borne water can be found only within the Government Reservation Areas (GRAs) and possibly other high-brow areas that accommodate high-profile government or political leaders and wealthy individuals; and it ends there.

As it is now, the major source of water for all purposes is largely from boreholes, no one is talking about the provision of pipe-borne water running from our hitherto taps and pumps. Shamelessly, the digging and construction of boreholes by the various levels of government in any location across the land is celebrated by the gullible citizens, who think it is a favour rendered to them, while in reality, it is not.

On the other hand, the politicians are counting the provision of boreholes as a great achievement, while it is not. In reality, the provision of accessible water to the general public ought to be a fundamental right of the citizens, just as ensuring the security and safety of lives and properties of the citizens. In those good old days predating the present democratic dispensation (1999 to 2023), it was a usual scenario to come across the agents or staff of our various water boards, or agencies parading the streets and knocking on the doors of residences with the aim of dispatching water bills to various homes, all that has now become history.

Water has now become a commodity to be purchased by the vulnerable class and the rich in our communities and this ugly trend has obviously made the ordinary citizens to be open and susceptible to all forms of communicable and water-borne diseases.

However, all hope is not lost as the present administration in Kano State, through the resilience and hard work of the incumbent Managing Director of the Kano State Water Board, Engr. Garba Ahmed Bichi, who has since assumed office over the last 100 days been making deliberate efforts towards resuscitating and rehabilitating the hitherto neglected water sector in Kano State.

It is remarkable to state that immediately Engr. Garba Ahmed Bichi assumed as the new M.D. of the Kano State Water Board, he directed the immediate assessment and inventory of all the major obstacles and challenges facing the sector.

This was after touring all the major facilities and treatment plants as well as all existing but neglected water scheme projects across the state, with the view of presenting a comprehensive report of the challenges facing the water sector in the state to His Excellency, Engr. Abba Kabir Yusuf, the incumbent governor of Kano State.

At present, Governor Yusuf has approved the total overhauling of the state water board, in terms of rehabilitation of treatment plants, resuscitation and upgrading of all water projects and or schemes in the state as well as concerted efforts towards the renewal of all obsolete equipment, tools and machinery that are needed for effective provision of clean potable drinking water across the 44 LGAs of the state.

That, the present M.D. Engr. Garba Ahmed was determined to ensure and achieve one of the cardinal aims of the present administration in the state, which of course remains making portable safe drinking water accessible to the people of Kano State. In that regard, the state Water Board has in the first hundred days of the Yusuf administration ensured the rehabilitation and resuscitation of all major treatment plants in the state.

This has resulted in improved and effective pumping and distribution of clean and safe portable water to most of the areas that had not seen water running in their pumps throughout the last 8 years. At present, areas such as Dawanau-Rijiyar Lemu, Fagge, Sabon Gari, Mariri, Gyadi-Gyadi, Naibawa, and a host of others, which had not been supplied with water during the last 8 years are now enjoying a good supply of water.

Also, a good number of newly acquired pipes have been installed and connected to replace the old and obsolete network of pipes within the Kano metropolitan areas, for effective distribution of clean potable water to the citizens.

Also, Engr. Garba Ahmed Bichi had ordered the total overhauling of all the water tankers and trucks that were recklessly abandoned, which would now be used in distributing water to some of the remote areas and villages on a daily basis.

Similarly, Engr. Garba Ahmed had sought approval from Governor Abba Yusuf for the rehabilitation of the entire network of laid-down water pipes across the state which would be undertaken in phases.

What is more? The state governments through the Engr. Garba Bichi led management of the state water board, has engaged reputable firms for the supply of all necessary chemicals and items needed for stimulating the treatment of water in the various plants across the state. It is also interesting to note that within the city centre; areas and roads such as Bello Road, Ibrahim Taiwo Road, Unity Road, State Road, Commissioner Road, Audu Bako Secretariat, the state House of Assembly, Sabon – Gari Market, Singa Market to mention but a few, are all presently enjoying uninterrupted water supply since the appointment of Engr. Garba Ahmed Bichi (Maigarin Bichi) is the new managing Director of the state water board, who is implementing Governor Abba Yusuf’s agenda on water supply.

To end this piece, permit me to admonish other state authorities to emulate and replicate the reforms in the Kano State water sector embarked upon by the Engr. Yusuf’s administration and being implemented by Engr. Garba Ahmed Bichi (the Maigarin Bichi)

Bilal resides at No. 40 Unity Road Kano (09074666602)