Man arrested for stripping brother’s wife naked

The police in Lagos State have arrested a man, Ogunsekan Femi, for allegedly assaulting and stripping his elder brother’s wife naked in public on Ilamoshe Street, off NNPC Depot, Ejigbo. The police said the suspect resided with his elder brother and that the elder brother’s wife reported the incident at the Ejigbo Division which led […]

Man arrested for stripping brother’s wife naked

The police in Lagos State have arrested a man, Ogunsekan Femi, for allegedly assaulting and stripping his elder brother’s wife naked in public on Ilamoshe Street, off NNPC Depot, Ejigbo.

The police said the suspect resided with his elder brother and that the elder brother’s wife reported the incident at the Ejigbo Division which led to his arrest.

The police explained that an investigation carried out by the police revealed that the suspect and one other person (at large) were dragging a property belonging to the victim’s husband.

“It was during one of those arguments that a fight broke out between the suspect and his brother’s wife. She accused him of assaulting and stripping her naked in public,” the Investigating Police Officer (IPO) said.

After the police asked both parties to go home and resolve their differences and report the outcome of the peace meeting at the station, they later decided to refer the case to court and efforts made to settle them failed.


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