Man remanded for calling friend gay

A Sharia court in Kano State on Thursday ordered the remand of a 25-year-old man, Aliyu Sa’ad, who pleaded guilty to calling his friend gay. The Judge, Malam Umar Lawal-Abubakar, then adjourned the case to July 3, for conviction. Why 10th assembly will be challenging to manage — Kano Rep Sallah: Kano gov’t approves one […]

Man remanded for calling friend gay

A Sharia court in Kano State on Thursday ordered the remand of a 25-year-old man, Aliyu Sa’ad, who pleaded guilty to calling his friend gay.

The Judge, Malam Umar Lawal-Abubakar, then adjourned the case to July 3, for conviction.

Why 10th assembly will be challenging to manage — Kano Rep

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Earlier, the prosecutor, Insp Abdullahi Wada, told the court that the defendant on Monday at about 8pm, called the complainant, Malam Ahmed Khamis-Ahmed, a gay following an altercation.

The prosecutor noted that the offence contravened Section 188 of the Sharia Law of Kano State. (NAN)