Man seeks divorce, says wife starves him of sex

A man, Rasheed Afeez, has dragged his wife before a Mapo customary court in Ibadan seeking a dissolution of their union on the grounds that she starves him of sex. Afeez, an accountant and primary school teacher, told the court that, “Both Nafisat and I were informed about our genotypes before we got married. But […]

Man seeks divorce, says wife starves him of sex

A man, Rasheed Afeez, has dragged his wife before a Mapo customary court in Ibadan seeking a dissolution of their union on the grounds that she starves him of sex.

Afeez, an accountant and primary school teacher, told the court that, “Both Nafisat and I were informed about our genotypes before we got married. But all of a sudden she stopped allowing me to perform my conjugal rite for no reason.

“I don’t think that I should have a restricted access to her through condom because she is my wife.

“Also, I noticed that Nafisat went for family plan without my consent. Worst still, she has been dressing provocatively and listening to worldly music as against our religious beliefs.

“In fact, Nafisat now sleeps about in hotels.”

Responding, Nafisat consented to the divorce prayer to her nine-year-old marriage with Afeez on the grounds of sexual exploitation.

Nafisat, a pharmacist and mother of two, said, “My lord, Afeez has completely turned me into a sex object, because he keeps requesting sex from me without minding its overall effects on both of us.

“He doesn’t bother about my emotional well-being, but his own selfish satisfaction. If I fail to cooperate, Afeez will force me into submission through battery.

“On a certain night, Afeez requested sex despite quarreling with me. I turned down his advances and he attempted to force me, but I escaped to the kitchen to get a knife to defend myself.

“Furthermore, I was afraid of producing more children with sickle cell disorder because one of our two children is SS by genotype. Afeez and I are AS by genotype and he doesn’t buy the required medication for the sick child.”

She added that her husband was grossly irresponsible not only to her, but also to the children.

The court’s President, Mrs S. M. Akintayo, adjourned to September 12. (NAN)