Mariya: Kannywood film on early marriage to hit cinema on Eid

Mariya is one of the much talked-about Kannywood films in recent times. Though the film is yet to be made public, but the euphoria and wild anticipation heralding the arrival of the new film in the cinema among the Hausa movie enthusiasts is very instructive that no effort was spared to translate the idea into […]

Mariya: Kannywood film on early marriage to hit cinema on Eid

Mariya is one of the much talked-about Kannywood films in recent times. Though the film is yet to be made public, but the euphoria and wild anticipation heralding the arrival of the new film in the cinema among the Hausa movie enthusiasts is very instructive that no effort was spared to translate the idea into action.

The film is billed to hit the cinema on the night of the eid, and would be shown in Kano at Ado Bayero Mall for two weeks before it is moved to other states its producer said.

The interest the film has so far generated in Kano and environs could be related to the careful handling of these three cardinal features such as the theme, the cast and the mood it hopes to create among its teeming viewers.


THEME:  Mariya could be seen as a deviation from traditional Kannywood story lines in recent times. Its ability to relate with social realities in our daily living has given it unique outlook and made it a household name among the anticipating crowds. The story was woven around issues surrounding early child marriage for girls, the practice that is most common in Hausa setting.

The story about the girl Mariya (stage name) and Karkuzu who is a chief butcher in a certain village; Karkuzu is so attached to young girls that any young beautiful girl he sees he wants to marry her and once she takes in or becomes pregnant he divorces her. It was in this lust for young girls that one day he approached Mariya and sough her hand in marriage according to the tradition.

CAST: The main characters of the film are well known seasoned performers in the art. Their ageless acting skills have placed them atop the ranking lather of relevance of all times within the Kannywood. Among these are impeccable Ali Nuhu popularly known as “Sarki”, the king of the industry. Maryam Yahaya who made her debut in Mansoor last season also played the leading role in Mariya. She adopted the name Mariya in the film, and hence the leading character about whom the story idea was cast. Other prominent artistes that featured in Mariya include Umar M. sherrif, Abbah Al-mustapha, Hamisu Iyantama, Alhassan Kwalle, Musa Maisana’a among many others.

MOOD: The combination of background music and special sound effects used in Mariya are very exceptional and have further spiced up the film and moves the viewer through the set with ease as the film rolls. The careful blends of drama and comic scenes as well as entertaining aspects are a very spectacular effort made to make the film very unique and a must-watch for everybody.

In an interview the producer of the film, Abubakar Bashir Adbul-kareem popularly known as Bashir Maishadda, attests that “Mariya is very exceptional in the catalogue of films I have so far produced because it is based on real life issues. I mean the story is a stage play of something that really happened in one of Kano communities that we felt the need to translate the incident into action to enlighten our people about the danger surrounding early marriage for girl child.

“In our communities you would observe that a girl of 13 or 15 is being married out instead of may be sending her to school to seek education at that tender age, and most of the time when this marriage is being arranged, instead of her parents to consider somebody within her age bracket, she is being given out to an elderly person old enough to be her father or grandfather as the case may be. So this is basically story line of the film.”