Mark Christmas with prayers for youths, Muslim body urges Christians

As Nigerian Christians celebrate Christmas with millions of others worldwide, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), has urged Christians in…

Mark Christmas with prayers for youths, Muslim body urges Christians

MURIC Director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola

As Nigerian Christians celebrate Christmas with millions of others worldwide, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), has urged Christians in the country to pray for Nigerian youths for divine guidance.

MURIC’s Director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, gave the charge on Saturday in his Christmas message to Christians in Nigeria.

“We appeal to Christian clerics and church goers to spend the yuletide period in reflecting about widespread moral decadence among Nigerian youth and to pray fervently for their redemption.

“Our youth are on the path of destruction unless something is done urgently. They have no interest in hard work.

“They are on the fast lane of material pursuit and they are prepared to do anything to get the good things of life without working for them.

“They have little regard for the sacredness of human life. Drug is the apple of their eyes. Clubbing is their major preoccupation,” Akintola said.

He said that while it is true that some Nigerians look unto the youth as leaders of tomorrow, a large majority are pessimistic over the youth of today, as they see no hope in them.

Prof. Akintola said, “But we must not give up on them. We must continue to guide them. It is not too late.

“We can still get good results if we turn to God. The Bible says with God, everything is possible (Mark 10:27).

“Parents who have forsaken their responsibilities by failing to train their children and wards properly must also return to God.

“They must ask God for forgiveness during this period. They must approach God in absolute humility and total submission.

“They must confess to Him that they have failed as parents. They can then seek His divine guidance and go back to instil family values and norms in their children and wards.”

He also urged parents to turn to God on behalf of their children, charging them to spend a substantial time of this yuletide and thereafter to monitor, guide and admonish them at all times.

Prof. Akintola said, “They must pray for them particularly during this period. Pray that God reforms them. Pray that God intervenes in their lives.

“Pray that God purges them of their obsession with materialism and of all satanic propensities.

“Pray that they see value in honesty and dignity of labour. Pray that God changes them into youths that are useful for their society and their country.”