Marriage and acting can co-exist – Daso

How would you describe the movie industry having been in it for so long? Definitely there have been a lot of positive developments in the movie making business and the most important one is the wide acceptance of Hausa films. Film making is as lawful as any other legal business but before people used to […]

Marriage and acting can co-exist – Daso

How would you describe the movie industry having been in it for so long?
Definitely there have been a lot of positive developments in the movie making business and the most important one is the wide acceptance of Hausa films. Film making is as lawful as any other legal business but before people used to look at it as an avenue for mischievous practices. Thank God, many people have now ventured into the business, investing their millions in it and creating jobs for hundreds of thousands of youths. To me, the industry has really metamorphosed to a very promising and profitable venture worth investing in.

Yet people still believe the industry ought to have gone beyond its present state. Do you believe in that too?
To me, that isn’t the case; but for those that still believe the industry ought to have exceeded its present status, I can only say to them that it is a matter of time. As the saying goes Rome wasn’t built in a day. With time, we will attain that level and it is apparent that we, the active practitioners that have the zeal to see to the growth of the industry, supersede others who are opposed to us. Therefore, as I have always said, it is a gradual process and, God willing, we will attain that level with time.

After your marriage you were still appearing in movies and it was rumoured that your marriage has crashed. Is that true?
My marriage is still intact [laughter].My husband has given me the go ahead to continue with my work as an actress. Acting is a profession just like any other profession that women engage in. My husband has confidence in my ability to practice what I do for a living and he has no problem in that aspect so far.

Regardless, there have been changes in the kind of work or roles you take on. You are now often seen advertising for companies instead of appearing in films. Are you quitting the big screen?
It is part of what we call diversification in the movie making business. It is a step that shows one has reached a certain level worth appreciating. It is something one does besides acting. What usually comes first in the movie industry is making a name and after that, one looks for avenues to diversify his or her potentialities and my case is not different. Famous actors like Ali Nuhu and co are also seen advertising for companies and that didn’t stop them from acting. Therefore, I am still an actress in the industry and if I am quitting you will surely get to know.

What is your connection tothe Kano Emir’s palace? 
I have had good contacts with Emir Muhammad Sanusi II and his family for quite a long time. He has always been my mentor and my boss, and that relationship has continued when he became the emir of Kano.
He crowned me his chief maid (Jakadiya) when he was turbaned as the Dan Majen Kano and I was retained as his Jakadiya when he became the Emir. The relationship I have with the family of the present emir of Kano is that of trust and respect.

How are you managing your work as a Jakadiya to the emir and your acting career?
It is true the palace work is more paramount to me now than any other thing, which was why I reorganised my schedules and reduced my film appearances. Due to this, I have resolved to do only four movie roles in a year.That way, I believe my work at the palace won’t suffer and my career also won’t be neglected completely as well. Presently I have movies I am working on such as ‘Ba Tabbas’, ‘Almajira’, ‘Na Talatu’ and one other that I can’t recall the name now.

What does your role entails as Jakadiyya of the Emir?
I am in charge of conducting and presenting all female visitors to the Emir but my work is not in the palace but within the emir’s house. Every woman who wants to see the emir has to see me.It is my job to present her issue to the emir first and if he gives me the go ahead, then I will usher her in to see the emir. It is also my duty to accompany the emir, along with other palace aides, to his palace.After he enters, then I will comeback. There are a lot of emir’s maids, but I am the chief maid, their leader.

What is your message to Hausa movie fans?
There are a lot of bad things being said against us which are not true at all, I want to urge the public to always consider that we will one day be held responsible for what we have said or done. People shouldn’t judge us by the roles we play in movies, and also people should always do justice to us by verifying what they have heard before spreading it if they must. I want to wish everybody the best in this life.Thank you for the opportunity.