‘May God give our sons good wives’

May be it is because they are more worried for the daughters, believing that a man can always find a way of fending for himself, as such he doesn’t need a prayer for having a good wife.Anyway, if daughters live happily with their husbands, the parents are equally happy and proud to relate how happy […]

‘May God give our sons good wives’
‘May God give our sons good wives’

May be it is because they are more worried for the daughters, believing that a man can always find a way of fending for himself, as such he doesn’t need a prayer for having a good wife.
Anyway, if daughters live happily with their husbands, the parents are equally happy and proud to relate how happy their daughters are in their marriage.
However, some events recently have made me to contemplate this issue and ‘balance’ it to include the sons.
There was a case where the husband was doing all he could to please the wife, buying all sorts of delicacies, but she turned into a terror and even abused him. He was well educated and has a good job with a house with modern facilities such as water system toilet, modern kitchen and a car to boot.
Her main problem was that she said no man could control her. She would go on visits without his permission, and if he talked to her, she would be rude to him.
At any small problem she would insist on divorce and go to her parents’ house to stay. The elders would reconcile them and she would go back.
 One day she told him: “Aren’t you grateful that I descended to marry you? You are beneath me. I am ashamed to be married to you.”
The irony is that this was a girl that his mother asked him to marry; it was not as if he saw her and was interested in her in the first place.
So this girl has caused a lot of distress to the family and they are at a loss. Some wanted him to divorce her while others were against the divorce because she has two children.
Still some say she was behaving that way because he indulged her too much; such as all those delicacies that are not ‘necessary’, all that meat for her to eat to her fill, the expensive clothes and so on.
They say if reconciliation is achieved he must reduce the indulgence so that she would know what life is like for many married women, after all in her father’s house she cannot get what the husband provides for her.
In another such case, the young wife was always threatening to abort her pregnancy every time she and the husband had a misunderstanding.
Yet another young wife went and dumped her five months old baby to her mother in-law and went to her parents’ house.
In the night, she and her mother came for the baby. She apparently missed her baby and was probably chided by her parents for taking that extreme action.
The mother in-law refused to give the baby, having already taken him somewhere, because she suspected the daughter in-law would regret what she did and come back.
“Since you gave us the baby because you didn’t want him, we love him and we will take care of him, we are not giving him back,” she said adamantly.
But in the morning the mother in-law allowed them to have the baby. She wanted to teach them a lesson, she said.
“It is really disheartening, especially where you see a nice girl and ask your son or brother to marry, only for her to turn out to be very rude. Look at what happened to my brother. I asked him to marry my friend’s daughter. He was not keen on it, but I persisted and he obeyed me. She has disappointed us. She is very quarrelsome, she told him that she would run away and he would never find her. Can you imagine?” A friend lamented.
From the foregoing sons need prayer in finding good wives, otherwise if the marry terrors; they will terrorize them and also their parents and make life miserable for everybody.