Medical tourism: Any hope for an ordinary Nigerian?

The recent medical trip by President Muhammadu Buhari to London has generated a lot of uproar across the country. Many people are vituperating the trip saying the president is not a patriotic citizen as he claims at several events. After an immediate meeting with the service chiefs, President Muhammadu Buhari surprised Nigerians with his medical […]

Medical tourism: Any hope for an ordinary Nigerian?

The recent medical trip by President Muhammadu Buhari to London has generated a lot of uproar across the country. Many people are vituperating the trip saying the president is not a patriotic citizen as he claims at several events.

After an immediate meeting with the service chiefs, President Muhammadu Buhari surprised Nigerians with his medical trip to London announcement. This is indeed very unfortunate as the populace have already lost hope in the nation’s health sector.

Though it is not the first time he is undertaking such a trip, but it has put doubt in the hearts of Nigerians who thought that the president may stay in Nigeria and receive any type of medical treatment after the huge budget on health sector of the country.

It is not constitutionally wrong to travel out of the country for medical reasons but what the president is supposed to consider is that staying in Nigeria to receive his treatment would give hope to the citizens on the standard of their health sector.

The decay of the nation’s health sector is causing sleepless nights to many Nigerians.

Now the question in the minds of ordinary Nigerians is who will bring succour to the country’s health sector as the president himself lacks confidence in it?

Does it also mean Nigerian health facilities only belong to the ordinary Nigerians?

Also, what surprised Nigerians the most is how the president failed to fulfil his campaign promise to ban medical tourism in the country.

It’s high time we woke up from our deep slumber and bring about the much-desired development for the betterment of our country.


Bashir Babagana Mustapha, Department of Mass Communication, University of Maiduguri