Meet Benue identical twins who are chefs, event managers

Speaking to Daily Trust YOUTHVILE, the identical twins who are from Agatu Local Government

Meet Benue identical twins who are chefs, event managers

Meet Benue identical twins who are chefs, event managers

Victoria Inyamuwa Onah and Gloria Lami Onah are identical twins. They are both professional chefs and event managers who carry out their business activities within the north central states.

The Business Management graduates believe that youths can  engage themselves positively irrespective of their privilege or poor background to gain prominence in pursuit of their life’s endeavour.

Speaking to Daily Trust YOUTHVILE, the identical twins who are from Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State but raised in Makurdi, the state capital, narrated how they both became professional Chefs and event managers.

“We both have our diploma and B.Sc in Business Management. We are easy going, God fearing and disciplined. We run our businesses within Abuja, Nasarawa and Benue states respectively. We have rendered services in Kaduna, Niger, Abuja, Kogi, Nasarawa and Benue states. And we are also open to travel within the safe areas of Nigeria to render our services,” said Victoria, one of the twins.

On her part, Gloria said: “We hate the idea of people not being able to have what they want because they can’t afford it, so for us since it is within our capacity it is more of service to humanity.

Meet Benue identical twins who are chefs, event managers


“We don’t put money first at least let someone not go astray because they can’t afford cake or any other thing within our capacity. And God has been faithful; there’s been no losses at all and never will there be any losses,” she noted.

The twins further explained that in the course of doing what they love to do, they have successfully influenced their space such that many parents use them as role models for their children.

“We are very practical. We practice what we preach and preach what we practice. The best way to teach younger people is for them to see you doing what you tell them,” Victoria said.

Gloria then advised youths not to be deterred even as coming from a rich home is not enough, maintaining that it is good to be useful to oneself and the society at large.

“If your parents can help you, fine but if they can’t, don’t wait for them. Also do away with expectations from people, personally we feel nobody owes us anything, we pray and trust God for everything we have today and everything we hope to achieve in the future. While you pray for work, don’t sit idle,” said Gloria.

On how they became chefs, Gloria said after their NYSC, they enrolled in a culinary school without searching for jobs. They also improvised when it was time for their start-up enterprise.

On how people treat them as identical twins, they said growing up was fun: they grew up seeing everything they had in pairs, same shoes, same clothes, same earrings, same toys and sometimes the items came in the same colours.

“And we were greatly loved, our being together brought us so much favour as kids, we got gifts from family and friends, we matched so many weddings in and outside Benue State as flower girls. We really enjoyed our childhood.

“We are one of those kids that passed through formal and informal education, because Mom taught us everything we needed to know from an early age and our dad is also a disciplinarian,” Gloria noted.

However, in the university, they had challenges, from a lecturer whom they said hated them for being twins and did all she (lecturer) could to frustrate them and their CGPA scores.

They reported the lecture to the university authority but that was dismissed; they sought forgiveness from the woman, who also walked them out of her office.

“It got worse when she became our exam officer and our CGPA stopped growing in spite of all our efforts. God heard our prayers in our 400level and a new exam officer was brought in. One of our lecturers called us to ask us why we had a poor CGPA despite being intelligent,” said Gloria.